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About 1to1scale

  • Birthday December 28

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    Murfreesboro TN

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  1. The effect I was going for was a clean aircraft that was on its final air show tour in 2004, so a better maintained gray finish, and a fresh black and unit markings.
  2. Peter, I shoot them straight using an HP-CS @ 11-12 psi, I think it’s a .3 needle and nozzle. After I finish painting, I spray a lightened version of the color (white added) and about 50% thinners, I spray this broadly over the model as more of a filter, it blends the light and dark areas together. I also use this to do corrosion control touch ups, the thin paint allows slow buildup, so as to sneak up on the final effect. No lie, this method took me 9+ hours of airbrushing the three tones, but it cuts out final weathering. Only needing panel lining and stains for final.
  3. Thank you, have you built the Eduard F6D? Its a great kit.
  4. Something in my code is causing it to fail, I’m hoping someone can look at it and help me figure out what I’m doing wrong.
  5. If anyone has HTML experience, I need a little help. I am trying to make this work, as I have tried this on another website, its not LSM that is the issue, as it does not work on another platform as well. Cut and paste code: <a href="https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/products/su_25sm_3d_printed_coloured_interior_on_decal_paper_for_trumpeter_kit_ "rel=external nofollow noopener" target="_blank">1/32 Su-25SM 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for Trumpeter kit) 36.5</a> Using the Link button above in the toolbar (this is What I am trying to achieve: su_25sm_3d_printed Using the </> code button above: <a href="https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/products/su_25sm_3d_printed_coloured_interior_on_decal_paper_for_trumpeter_kit_">test</a> <a href="https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/products/f_16c_3d_printed_coloured_interior_on_decal_paper_for_tamiya_kit_">1/32 F-16C 3D-Printed & coloured Interior on decal paper (for Tamiya kit) 30.5</a>
  6. Not the best pictures, but progress on the F-14D. The F-14A is cleared and waiting for decals.
  7. 4TH OF JULY SALE! CELEBRATE 245 YEARS OF AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE! EVERYTHING THAT IS AMERICAN ON SALE! * Sale applies to all new and in-stock model kits https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/collections/4th-of-july-sale
  8. Check out all the new Quinta Studio Sets! Holy Corsairs! https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/collections/3d-print-detail 1/32 ME 262A 3D-PRINTED INTERIOR (FOR TRUMPETER) QD32059 Quinta Studio $24.50 1/32 QUINTA KI-61-I 3D-PRINTED INTERIOR (FOR HASEGAWA KIT) QD32066 Quinta Studio $19.50 1/32 QUINTA STUDIO FW 190D-9 3D-PRINTED INTERIOR (FOR HASEGAWA) QD32061 Quinta Studio $19.50
  9. Im working on it! Seriously! I started spraying the underside last week.
  10. FYI, I did get these in, I ordered 10 of the DR.1 sets, sold 8 already, have more coming. Have a couple of the E1s left, and one F-105D. I have the whole 1/32 line in stock other than the latest new release, those are on order already.
  11. looking great so far!
  12. Phenomenal! You are the truck master!
  13. I have this kit, I'll be watching to see your progress.
  14. Bf 109E-1 3D-Printed & coloured Interior (for Eduard kit) QD32047 $22.00 (free US shipping) https://www.hobbynutmodels.com/collections/3d-print-detail/products/1-32-quinta-studio-bf-109e-1-3d-printed-interior-for-eduard-kit-32047
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