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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. Sorry Cupcake.... yes next year God Willing. Never been to Las Vegas...
  2. Hello Dennis, It's no hardship for us at all. thank you. but I do understand where you are coming from... it will be more special when WE DO all get together later for a belated Eid Dinner. Another ,Eid al Adha , comes up after this so it will be same as now.... that I think happens on evening Thursday 30th July and ends on Monday 3rd August 2020. That is even more poignant and special as that was when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son to show his love and obedience to Jesus on Mount Arafat....but as WE all know Jesus sent a Ram/sheep in a thorny Bush and said to Abraham to sacrifice the animal and not his Son.. So that's just as important if not more so .. maybe our bohemian looking PM may get the news of a vaccine amd WE can feel better. So it's a quiet day in watching Mission Impossible: FALLOUT.. No such thing happening innreal life though Dennis... MY Mission was accomplished and no one fell out..
  3. Yes Jerry , I am doing good. Watching the world slow down, the air become clearer, the birds chirping, the smog and polluted air all over the world's skies has gotten clearer and it feels like I am back in 1950 when the streets were clean and fewer cars on the road. Love being on MY OWN.. Well sorta....
  4. Well I have to inform you all that I was looking forward to seeing once again, but unfortunately with so many restrictions about non essential travel, and 14 days of Quarantine when arriving at the destination yada yada yada.......I HAD to cancel MY reservation at the hotel. yeah I know the Rulz! So Did that early this morning .... did not want to but had to stay healthy . of sorts !! So old friends Sorry... maybe see you in not so distant future. Please those that do go, healthy or with amy underlying health conditions DO TAKE CARE and stay safe and well. dont forget Masks in case you need to wear them to gain entry. and I will see you next time.
  5. So Gentlemen Yesterday , Saturday 23rd May I completed 30 days of Fasting and today Sunday is Eid ul Fitr. But it is decidedly quiet, no fanfare , no frenzied cooking or dressing up in Fine clothes to go visit Families and friend and no exchanging rich food to eat and share with others; while kids play games and run around their hands clutching their "Eidy" ( Eid gifts in form of coins)...Nope none of that..... .....Instead lone time of prayer and thanks to the ALMIGHTY for keeping us safe and well as well as our neighbor's and all human beings. And eating alone and maybe video chat with family members throughout the World....and let ME tell you that would be a gigantic task given there's almost 1000 + in our family on Moms side alone.... so there will be pockets of these chats and passing on of messages... woo hoo. Then from monday I have to do 6 more extra days as stipulated that those that can should try... those that cannot or don't want to then don't..... More Blessing maybe but if Prophet Mohamned(SWS) and Jesus(as mentioned and stated in Quran) could do 40 days and nights I can do 36 days.... So I would like to say a huge thank you for your support and comments and please return next year when I repeat the whole process once more... Insallah(God willing). THANK YOU ALL.
  6. No ... I am far too young for this song and I was born in another country.. :s I love his songs
  7. today is 28th Day.. woo hoo .. getting there..
  8. yeah Doing good Harv. thank you.
  9. Tim, ME too Couldn't imagine anyone else paying homage to the Flag except him..
  10. So The month of Ramadan is slowly and steadily getting closer to its end. Today is MY 24th Day of this gruelling, disciplined Month . I actually look forward to the new day as it gives one a purpose and spiritual thoughts without getting weird. I will miss Ramadan until it resurfaces next year. Eid Ul Fitr at the end of 30 days is going to feel a little deflating as No one will be allowed to see ones families to dine together and partake in Family photos and sublime stories. I guess WE will have to reschedule the Family Dinner with Baclawas and Good rich food such as Chicken Biryani prepped over 2 days, with Gulab Jammu and Jalebis; with yogurt drinks and samosas... and other goodies..... All that will take place together with photos much later and Eid Ul Fitr will probably SO much sweeter having going through Ramadan alone and through this Deadly Virus.. Just hope the Rich food doesn't kill us... Thanks Guys for your support and comments...
  11. Evocative. Enjoy.
  12. Dale, Very nice words snc thoughts from you. I do recall what you say. You are welcome and in MY thoughts and MY prayers.
  13. How are you Martin... Harv.... Jeff... Cupcake....and everyone. forgot to ask
  14. Hello Martin and everyone else who has posted their support. Hey Cupcake what's that all about. I have not been here since yesterday when I posted 2 threads.. so not seen anything untoward on here... So Martin et al, TODAY is MY 10th Day of Fasting and getting a tad longer each day. I am Fine and doing well Thank you Gentlemen . I think Cupcake will understand as you all will that I have to also devote time to prayers and 5 times a day, and reading MY Holy Book (Quran in Arabic )which I did early this morning. Time to go do 3rd Prayer(known as Salat or Namaaz). I will ask for Blessings for ALL of you as GOD listens at this time as it's the HOLY MONTH. Might ask for nice things for you all .. okay so I gotta go and say MY prayers. Enjoy the evening /day/afyernoon/morning/night wherever you all are ; and stay safe.. DISTANCING MYSELF again... when will I see you All again?
  15. ....
  16. today is the 9th Day.. getting there. well....distancing from you ALL so not really getting there...
  17. Life Before AutoCAD was like this.... Vintage Photos That Show How People Worked Before AutoCAD. then WE got this... simple short example: AutoCAD project example AutoCAD 2011 and this also happened: the laborious methodical, measuring and re-measuring , and calculations and set of tools etc etc etc seemed a long ago time in the distant past.. NOW Designing a 3D-Printed Model Airplane Kit! Wonder what will be next.... !?!
  18. Some of you may have seen this before but its pretty impressive to watch it again.. I think his speech, both inspiring and Motivational, relates to many no matter the time or day ... Admiral McRaven's heartfelt speech .
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  19. You learn something new every day.. now you know Ryan... WE also have to give Alms to those less fortunate than ourselves. Zakat is the third Pillar of Islam. Zakat does not refer to charitable gifts given out of kindness or generosity, but to the systematic giving of 2.5% of one's wealth each year to benefit the poor. The benefits of Zakat, apart from helping the poor, are as follows: Obeying God.
  20. Oh.... not to worry.. Ramadan is practiced by over billion muslims all over the world at the same time in total unity . It clears ones mind. Ramadan teaches ME to practice self-discipline, self-control, sacrifice, and empathy for those who are less fortunate, and encouraging actions of generosity and compulsory charity . So it's a time of spiritual reflection, self-improvement, and heightened devotion(reading our Holy Book) and worship just like in many other religions.... Ryan thank you.
  21. Hello Dear Friend Mike. Thank you .. I think I need it ... today is MY 5th day..
  22. Hello Martin... thank you. it's all discipline and mental strength. I am going...Distancing from you all..
  23. Hey Harv.. Thank you dearest friend. coming from you , this means a lot. still waiting patiently for allocated time..
  24. Thank you Dale..your support is well received Hope you are keeping well.
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