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MARU 5137

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Everything posted by MARU 5137

  1. Some members of the former Wingnut Wings team have now coalesced into a new venture called Kotare Models KTD. https://m.facebook.com/kotaremodels https://www.kotare-models.com/ One former WnW team member you will know is Richard Alexander..Most of us, MYSELF included, met up with up and We All dined and wined out with him at IPMS Phoenix Show. The members are all listed ... Anyway thought you'd like to know. 👍
  2. https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/88832-kopeckyscalemodels/ He has gotten some really super things in 1:32 scale including for F-15. the pages are intersperse with his work so 9 pages to wade through. Thought you'd like to see it just for information. 👍
  3. So Gentlemen I received this PM on LSP from Morgan Dale's Nephew. I already posted the thread on LSP Anyway have a look and if you want to Bid. Those in Australia and New Zealand might like to. Mate, I saw your post on the passing of Dale Cleary and was really touched by the responses, it seemed he was a much liked and admired member of the community. It was really lovely to see. I’m Dale’s nephew Morgan and was very close with him. It was such a shock earlier this year when he passed away, but hopefully he’s resting well after a pretty rough few years. I’m writing as when he passed away, he had an extensive unopened model collection and I’ve been trying to find them all a good home with those who will make and enjoy them. We’ve endeavoured to gift much of his opened and started models to his students and others, and we’ve also been able to find an auction house in Melbourne, Australia which specialises in models and collectables for the remaining collection, and the online auction has gone live today. I’m not sure if this would be of interest to you or the community, but thought it may be a good place to view his collection and see if there was anything of interest and certainly for me, it was important that the models go to a good home. This is the link to the auction site: https://online.doningtonauctions.com.au/m/view-auctions/catalog/id/78 I’m sure he’d be happy to see these go to members of the community. He was a really top bloke. Cheers, Morgan Thank you Gentlemen and Friends. MARU 5137.
  4. Heres a build from Aigore(with compliments) from ARC he just began: http://www.arcforums.com/forums/air/index.php?/topic/318474-saab-ja37-viggen-jetmads-132/&tab=comments#comment-3056062
  5. Harvey as I said when WE talked on the phone, please look after yourself and take it easy abd listen to your physicians and BEV!! LOVE ya. 👍
  6. Glad you are all safe and well. still sad to hear of people who have lost their homes and their lives. Hopefully the inclement weather will subside enough to give folks a chance to gather their thoughts. Praying everyone is kept safe and from harm. Amen.
  7. That is TOO FUNNY.
  8. Great Catch Smitty. Dish looks tasty too. MY other hobby(probably main one in MY case) is collecting gold and silver coins and everything in between.... 😉
  9. well said Harvey. 👍
  10. New Releases ... OMG. Just look at the details as you scroll down !! https://www.zoukeimura.co.jp/en/sentiment/oyajiblog_113.html
  11. matt cour on LSP posted these photos. His parcel and photos of the much desired subject. https://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?/topic/86383-jetmads-132-viggen/page/47/
  12. Gentlemen, Did you all enjoy the IPMS and the get together and fine wining(Burger and chips ) and dining. Hope you All did. anyway curious as ever I doubt this from LAS VEGAS IPMS .. almost 827 photos but thumbnail and you have to KEEP clicking on each one to see it expanded.. Here... winners etc. Lots of pages up to almost 10 !! http://svsm.org/gallery/lv2021_awards?page=1 MARU 5137
  13. Guys Have a jolly time. Enjoy. Sorry I can't make it this year.... 😖
  14. Super STUNNING photos. Thank you.😎
  15. I MISSED something?! 🤭
  16. Hey Martin, Getting older and wiser... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY dear friend. Hope you enjoy this day with much enthusiasm as model building! Sweeet day for you.
  17. Unfortunately I don't think United Kingdom will allow non essential travel yet , so for that reason I will not be coming this year. I had booked a hotel room but cancelled it in mid 2020. Those that are going, please be safe, have a wonderful time and Martin WEAR SUNGLASSES in the Hot sun. I dont want to hear you have burnt your eyes as you did in Phoenix and damaged them a little. SO Behave!! But have a awesome time. Let's hope you do not all have to pay for quarantine when you return home. Lots of best wishes. MARU 5137.
  18. Do you all remember Lothar from Germany over on LSP. In January he fell down the stairs and broke 6 vertebrates and sacrum bones and had 6 hour surgery( LSP members found this out on his Birthdau thread when he stated why he'd been absent ). Now Mozart has posted over on LSP that he's had news that Lothar passed away last night. May he rest in Peace Condolences to his wife Silvia.
  19. Enjoy. Harvey... Hope you are well. and Martin et al....
  20. so these were previous schemes. Scroll down to see more and click on picture to expand to larger photo (then you can zoom in ). RAF Typhoon Special Schemes and Markings - AeroResource http://www.aeroresource.co.uk/resources/raf-special-schemes/typhoon-special-schemes/
  21. https://thelincolnite.co.uk/2021/05/new-typhoon-jet-with-union-jack-livery-unveiled-at-raf-coninsgby/ There's a short video in the link at the start. It shows the Typhoon being "pulled" out of the hangar showing off its new livery. click on 'read more' to see full article. Thank you. Enjoy.
  22. This is how he was described. Dale was an amazing person, drummer, drum teacher from Sydney, Australia who had a long battle of Leukaemia. Dale quoted on Can-Do Musos "I am fighting hard and doing my best to keep playing"... Rest In Peace Dale.
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