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  1. Well, I got a new hobby room. We were going to be in the new diggs temporarily, but we may stay here for the time being. it is quite a bit more spacious than our old place, so that's a bonus, but I still have WAY too much plastic for just one dude. May cull the stash a tad more perhaps. not made a decision yet. Anyways=y, when I'm all set up I'll share a picture or 2! Cheers all!
  2. Merry Christmas and congrats to all! Next year will be better for sure! Harald
  3. Could do a Gannett. not single engine but single shaft... Doesn't exist in 32nd though H.
  4. I'll leave myself out for this year, simply because I'm in the middle of a move requireing every single penny and sense I have... (who are dumb enough to start a new job in January, in Manitoba...) Anyway, Ernie, you're a champ, and so is everyone else! I'll rejoin next year! Harald
  5. I just got a new job... So I'll be packing the bench again (feck, it may stay packed for a bit, we may be able to buy a house in the not too distant future!) But it's exiting!
  6. I have used it with success! H.
  7. Good to see you back! I am a member of a local of IPMS in Canada that does weekly "grey-butt" zoom calls. If anyone had zoom, perhaps that would be a viable thing,like a weekly bullshit session, with a computer on in the corner with the camera and mic on to talk shit back and forth? I really enjoy those, and it allows discussion of good and bad parts whilst relaxing with a bevvie and some friendly banter. Works well long distance too! Cheers Harald
  8. I got a bottle of Abteilung liquid mask. It's amazing, but I store the bottle upside down to prevent it from setting up... it's great stuff. Got it from Andy's HHQ
  9. There is a nice build online of the Model collection B-52G, it turns into a decent kit if you're not too picky on specifics. I've started one as well, but got bogged down in weapons selections...
  10. Just an image of what came home with me!
  11. Oh… Vacation visit to the Aviation Museum of Atlantic Canada. AH-64D from Takom, and A-1J from Trumpeter… and a couple 48ths… lots.
  12. If that's the Missourah I have the 1/200, with full Pontos treatment...
  13. I was going to, but the wife found a smoking deal to go see the east coast of Canada, which completes my "bingo card" of seeing all 10 provinces and 3 territories! I'm sure there is a hobbyshop in or near Halifax too...
  14. Couldn't rotate the image so you guys get a kink in the neck! Got the Pontos USS Missouri 1945 set, and a couple pieces Eduard, because I started the Eduard route only to find it blocked by age (unavailable). Has blue decks, so got that going for me!
  15. Hmmm Dspiae Angle cutting station... I must have this, and the pen...
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