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Everything posted by wadoux

  1. Hi, You really got a fine job, I would like to make mine in the color of KG 2 when in action at CAMBRAI ; but unfortunatly no documents !
  2. Very fine ( I have one to make ) Gérard .
  3. We have, all, the same problem ! Gérard .
  4. Hi, Just received the kit yesterday ; wahooooooooooooooooooo Gégé .
  5. Hi, Really a fine kit ! Gégé .
  6. Hi, Got the lot of barracuda resins and décals ; superb ! Gégé !
  7. Sorry, my friend ! I speak too rapidly ! In fact my question was : What difference beetwen late G-6 and late G-14 ?
  8. Hello, As you seem to be an expert in Bf 109 ; what are the diference beetween Late G-14 and G-10 A/C ?
  9. Very fine ! Do you think that "HARTMANN" aircraft have great whell or classic wheel ?
  10. Great ! I Have, only 15 ( 1/32 Bf 109 to make ) ! What news doctor !
  11. Salut Adrien, Fine work ! Gérard .
  12. Really fine ! I am also a Bf 109 aficionados ( 13 1/32 Kits in construction ) ! Gérard .
  13. Hello, Always searching document on aircrafts ( French, German, Allied ) using Cambrai-EPINOY and NIERGNIES Air Bases during World War II ; I also need documents on Mossie 305 Polish Squadon and U.S. B-26 unit ? Thanks for your help !
  14. Sniff ! No one as Pics of BF 109 G-6 .of I./JG 301 at CAMBRAI-EPINOY Air Base ( 6.-44 / 26-8 -44 ) ? Papy Gégé .
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