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Everything posted by benjaminsummerfield

  1. With all due respect to PCM, im so glad i didn't preorder their kit, ill be having a MK VI for certain! cant wait for more updates!
  2. Finish the recon Phantom first!!
  3. No yours is one that almost certainly had yellow codes, 185 and 229sqn used yellow codes as confirmed by orthochromatic photos where it appears very dark like the ring in the roundel. I've seen GL-T depicted as having the T white but I don't agree with thy based on the photos I have, it's very hard to be definitive about Malta spits they were all painted in some shade of blue/grey if they survived long enough! Ben
  4. Awesome build, Malta has so many rich schemes to choose from! You've excecuted it perfectly. I don't like it when people try and pin down the Malta blue to a specific colour because even if an official colour was used it was so thinned down and so roughly applied it would barely look the same! Whether its Ex Dk Sea Grey or a US colour from Wasp or a local mix I doubt more than a couple were ever the same. My Mk IX Malta blue spit represents the very Dark Spits seen in late 42/43 that were painted in The same Blue used on Royal Navy trucks ! Which I believe T-NT was also painted in, although Yellow codes were only used by 229 and 185Sqn ; Caruana has propagated the myth that other squadrons used them. T-NT probably used Med sea grey or Azure codes. I've just ordered some masks off Mal for another 249sqn Malta Spit, i feel really inspired to start it after seeing yours!
  5. Was looking forward to seeing this finished, you didn't disappoint! Can't wait to start my one.
  6. Was looking forward to seeing this finished, you didn't disappoint! Can't wait to start my one.
  7. Amazing place. There's a pair of Hispano cannons imbedded in the ground still where a spit crashed, just a shame the Sea Gladiator is kept in the armoury Instead of the aviation museum. It's even discussed by the government and its considered a relic, the aviation museum has a pair Of wings from a Norway based RAF glad ready to go on.
  8. Looking good, the PCM kits are always a challenge but you end up with a very unique subject that Tamiya etc would never do. Looking forward to seeing this finished.
  9. Thanks for the clarification Ken, I was merely speculating as two Czech companies tooling a Tempest V (sword and MPM) is strange and suggests some sort of connection. I look forward to seeing how the kits compare. I have built the PCM Spitfire XIV and enjoyed every minute of building it http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/176-pacific-coast-supermarine-spitfire-xiv-132nd/#entry4766 it had a few small issues but nothing some actual modelling d after market couldn't resolve. I Look forward to getting hold of the PCM Tempest.
  10. Question is how do you have a spare Tamiya windscreen and canopy!? LOL
  11. The windscreen is the biggest fault other than the tail Planes, its just too upright and the wrong shape even for the external armoured one. I've just got mine through the post, I have a windscreen from the old Hasegawa Vb and it should fit; just a big gap where the curved lower frame of the armoured one should go. But it looks like the Hobbyboss windscreen can be cut and used to fill it.
  12. youve probably seen this photo of a Malta spit scrambling for height, but it shows how much they leaked due to poor servicing and constant use.
  13. Awesome job, glad you've depicted the sky blue rather than Azure; most of the Malta spits are all too pale to be Azure. GL-T is a funny one as it appears to be two tone Camo in one pic as you've depicted, but then in an other its overall Blue/grey!! just to confuse us!! And its one of the most photographed spits on Malta!
  14. They say Sword have done the plastic for this, aren't they part of the whole MPM/special hobby family? I built their Spitfire XIV which doesnt have any major vices or flaws I could see. Just typical limited run.
  15. Just had an email off PCM to announce the next kit is a Tempest V in 1/32nd Very exciting release which I'm guessing is the same as the Special Hobby kit that's also due soon http://www.pacmodelscatalog.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PCM&Product_Code=PCM+32016&Category_Code=pcm
  16. Malta spits weren't very well maintained so leaked lots of oil in the belly, get her dirty Does the underside represent RAF Sky or the lesser known sky blue ?
  17. I can see them now. Looking good. Malta is kinda my thing, nice to see a Malta spit in here.
  18. Can't seem to see the pictures? Just me?
  19. just saw this too late mate, got one for £30 on ebay. thanks though.
  20. Superb mate nice to see a Vb in Dk Earth for a change, I'm looking at getting the trop boxing soon. Any pointers?
  21. Yeah let's knock this on the head now, this is the reason a lot of people left other forums and came here. Spread the love maaaan
  22. Cheers ill suggest it. Probably up to the publishers tho.
  23. I'm a big fan of Brian's work he's been a big Inspiration! But no its a English fella called Tony O'Toole his books being published by Darylumple & Verdun soon. The Mushroom book is a bit safe for me they basically say the spits were either Dk Earth/ Dk green over Sky or Ex Dk sea grey all over; but there's way too much variation that they don't explain. Tony has done a lot of research with Veterans also and he's come to some very interesting conclusions but part 1 has too sell well or part2 won't happen! Here's a low Res pic I found online, the better quality pic will be in part2
  24. Ive based my model on a Photo shown to me by a good friend who also has a Malta book due out very soon, he's done some serious research on the subject especially the Spits which will be covered in part2.... aslong as part1 sells well!! Im planning doing a Vc based on his research in a very interesting scheme. Sorry only just seen your comment Ralph, those are the Barracuda cast wheels but with the kits etched flat covers on. some might say thats pointless but i dont like rubber tyres.
  25. Well worth the effort, third times the charm.
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