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Everything posted by benjaminsummerfield

  1. I heard it had some accuracy issues so they held it back to correct them.
  2. Hurray. It was originally slated for October 13
  3. Excellent. Always one of my favourite schemes, you've nailed it.
  4. Looking forward to the F8!
  5. This was a quick build by my standards, although I started in August! Build thread http://forum.largescalemodeller.com/topic/1293-hobbyboss-spitfire-vb-trop-132nd-plenty-of-after-market/ The Hobbyboss kit is far from perfect but builds nicely, it's lacking in a few areas that I've hopefully addressed with copious aftermarket parts! Starting in the cockpit I've used Barracuda resin for the pilots seat, throttle, undercarriage lever, control column (big improvement over the huge kit part!) spare parts from the Tamiya Mk IX for the armoured head rest and gunsight, Eduard etch instrument panel, and a few scratch built parts. I replaced the kit clear parts with the Hasegawa windscreen and canopy as most MkV trops had the internal armoured windscreen, Quick Boost exhausts ( although the kits ones are actually very good on comparison) I corrected the fabric covered tailplanes, Master brass beefed up the cannon barrels and I used the De Havilland prop from the Hasegawa kit. Mal at Miracle masks did me some custom vinyl masks for a Malta based spit from 249 squadron, one from the earliest batch delivered to the island and flown by several notable aces. These were believed to of had the midstone over painted with a grey/blue colour possibly Ex Dk sea grey, colours used are all White ensign enamels. Plenty of help from Tony O'Toole with the colour scheme, and thanks to Our own glorious leader Jim Hatch for taking the photos. Phew!
  6. Had a look in ospreys aces of Burma and the pacific and I can't see an VIII with visible aerials either to the tail planes or rudder.
  7. Declaring this one finished. Not 100% happy with it doesn't quite sit right for a spit I think it's the stalky undercarriage. I'll take some decent pics when I get chance and post in the finished section.
  8. I think the lack of buildability of the old Airfix kits would put you off even more, they aren't terrible but it's old skool engineering with working parts etc. like Doogs says the trumpeter kits are very buildable and their Hurricane is a gem.
  9. It's teetering on the brink of being finished. Just need a couple more sessions in it.
  10. Happy birthday dude Ben.
  11. Little up date for you all. Doing the panel lines and weathering now, nice an battered as the Malta spits never sat still Nice big oil leak done with thinned Tamiya smoke put on in blobs and blown along the belly with my airbrush at high pressure and close range, basically keep chasing the blob til it dries and won't flow any further. And just to prove they were actually this filthy..... Also used some Ali tape to do the Oleo, quite happy with it. Not far off completion now but as usual won't be done in time for the club meet should have it at my clubs show in January tho. Ben
  12. I believe Humbrol have started doing RLM colours, in the UK at least.
  13. A lot of veterans become detached from their wartime mounts, I suppose it's a way of dealing with war.
  14. Insane! Like one of those Kagero side profiles in 3D
  15. Great progress, any idea on schemes yet? Would be a shame to do it camo as it's such a rare mark and had some nice silver schemes. Some colour photos confirm that the cockpit was still green on theses.
  16. Back on track now, Mal at Miracle masks got replacement masks out to me straight after Telford. I've learnt my lesson and I'll take more care and time with my next set of masks, I still rate the results they give compared to decals.
  17. It's a fabric wing so I'm thinking either Battle of France or very early 111sqn as on the Airfix boxart.
  18. My dad got me a PCM Hurricane at Telford and it's gone away to Santa, so January would be great.
  19. Baders & Stanford tucks had the blunt Rotol spinner. Not sure about the rest.
  20. Just the wing join at the root I believe, other than that just usual limited run fare.
  21. Can I play?
  22. I believe the Czechs also used theirs as jet engine test beds.
  23. Great idea! http://www.topgear.com/uk/car-news/Fighter-jets-with-F1-paintjobs-12-11-13
  24. Jim brought this to my local club night, now I've had a better look I have to say the fit is exquisite! If this is priced right it should do very well and there are unlimited after After market opportunities and decal options.
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