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Everything posted by NigelR32

  1. B-17G engines 'BIG SIN' Eduard Catalogue # 63202 Available from Eduard for 82,45€ Bunny Fighter Club price: 70,08€ This review covers the Eduard Big Sin Engine set for the HK Models B-17G. The engines are available as a set of four, SIN 63202 or as individual engines numbered 1 to 4, which have the parts numbers 632 027 to 030 respectively. The cowl flaps and exhaust manifolds are different across all four engines, hence the individually identified sets. So, on to the set..... There are no less than 168 resin parts and 76 PE parts on 8 PE frets in this set. The kit is presented in one box measuring 260 x 165 x 38mm, lined with bubble wrap and most parts individually sealed in bags. The set also includes four individual sets of instructions, one for each engine. As can be seen here, there is a LOT of resin in this set, including all parts necessary to replace everything from the bulkhead forwards, except for the propellers and hubs. In this picture we can see the beautifully cast detail on both the front and rear of the engines and also the inner detail of the cowl flaps. The HK models kit has no inner flap detail or rear of engine manifold detail included. In this close up shot we can see the sharp detail on the cylinders, of note are the spark plugs and valve covers. Notice the skilfully rendered detail on the heat shield between the cylinders. Here's a comparison of the kit Engine and the Eduard resin Engine. The bulkheads themselves are included, as are the exhaust manifolds. The gearbox cover and regulator parts are very accurately presented, giving a marked improvement over the kit parts. Just look at the detail here..... Eduard includes a replacement cowling, either as a single piece or as three separate panels, shown her. The inner detail is crisply moulded, but is only included on the separate panels, not on the one piece cowling. Moving on to the PE parts, there are two frets per engine, each set containing 19 parts. The PE parts include four placards, a set of Ignition leads and the banding around the engine front, which mounts the cowling. The instructions for each engine are presented as four A4 sides printed in full colour. A painting guide is included, with callouts for Gunze paints. In summary, this set is a must if you intend to display your model with the cowlings removed, in a maintenance diorama as the bulkheads, exhaust manifolds and rear of engine detail is not present in the HK models kit. Even if you are building your model with all cowlings closed, you will benefit from the extra detail offered by these beautifully presented resin parts, one example being the cowling flap detail. I for one would like to see Eduard produce a similar set for the HK Models B-25, as the engines in that kit are very inaccurate. Thanks to Eduard for taking the time to produce this lovely engine set, and for supplying the set for this review. These engines will be used in the near future on my mega modified B-17 build.
  2. Thanks James. This kit is lovely, but I really do wish I didn't keep getting stalled by the bloomin ejector pin marks. "That little chap" is actually a young lady! She's only three weeks old today, so won't be coming home for at least another 5 weeks. Then she will probably raise havoc! Has anyone ever seen a 1/35 Leopold complete with teeth marks?
  3. As promised, here's a little update of where we are with this great model. As you can see here, there are a lot of sub assemblies built and painted... All in Nato Black XF-69 as a pre shade... Here's the lifting mechanism close up.. sorry about the dust... I thought I'd get the main lifting frames built tonight, but, oh no... there are just a couple of my favourites, the good old ejector pin mark, to deal with.. The squares of white plastic card are filling in massive indentations left by, yes you guessed it, ejector pins!! Here's a close up of what I've done. These angled structures are very visible on the finished model, so I thought I'd take the time to sort them out. Thanks for stopping by, I'll get some more info up tomorrow, hopefully with a parts count?
  4. I just wish someone would make a 1/16 scale Willys or Ford GPW???
  5. Sorry Guys, I promised more pics on the 7th, and here we are at the 10th and you still haven't had an update. Well, I have been working on this kit a lot and can say that there has been a lot going on... a lot of cleaning up that is.... I now have pretty much all the sub assemblies built up and painted in Nato Black, and will start on the main lifting frames tonight. I know I said I would build this OOB, but I have given in to temptation and bought the Eduard etch set and the lovely Friul tracks. I just need to find some turnbuckles now. Now, I promise to put some more pics up later whan I'm at home!!
  6. Hi all, I'm back!! trundling along slowly with this one I'm afraid. I seem to spend more time cleaning up parts than assembling. Anyway, as we all know, I'm still working on the Transport rail system for the giant Mortar Gun, and have now started looking at the actual swivel and lift system that the Karl hangs on. Here are the parts which make up just one of the bases. once this little lot is assembled, along with a couple more parts not here, we will be on a total parts count of 590, not even close to half way there!! Please note, I am not currently adding any small spindly parts or PE as these will only get knocked off during the build. I shall add them at the end just before final painting. Gripe time!!! Just look at where trumpeter have put some stonking great ejector pins in their tool!! Right on the only visible part of the roller!!! Arrgghh!! Gripe over.. that's better!! Upon assembling the mounting "boxes" I notice a large gap at each corner, which is supposed to be a bolted together flange joint. So, I added a small piece of plastic card to the gap and glued it only to the outer part, when cleaned up, it will look like the outer piece is one flange and the inner is another, with a small line in between to represent the join. Thanks for stopping by, more to come later on tonight...
  7. I think I'll pull up a chair for this one!! I just love to see AM used in online builds...
  8. looking great James!! How did you manage to cover the horrid red plastic with white paint??
  9. Thanks for the compliment Paul, I will start a fresh build thread if you like, I have loads of pics. Grant, thanks for the compliment on the wheels, I thought it looked pretty realistic myself. When I added the X-20 thinned with cellulose thinner, it darkened up the paint and made it more "Steel" like. If you're a member of Facebook, look up "Delwires Fox Terriers". They are a very friendly community indeed. You'll see loads of pics of Fox terriers of all ages, and also Jess' six brothers and sisters.
  10. I built the dragon T-28 last year, that has rubber tyres, yes I painted every one of em.... It really is a beautiful kit... I'm really enjoying this build, the Karl I mean, and am thinking, maybe I should convert to military stuff??
  11. Thanks for the compliments on Jess, yes Guy, she is expanding very quickly, currently by an ounce a day and is second fattest in the litter. She's a Wire haired Fox Terrier. The part count for this lovely kit is also expanding, I'm on 450 parts assembled or ready for assembly now, and am still not half way there yet, in fact I think 450 parts is around 1/3rd the total count!! Here are the parts for stages 6,7 and 8, well most of them at least.. And the instructions:- You may notice in the bottom LH corner of stage 7/8, we need to drill a 1.6Ø hole through the angled walls of the support blocks. Well, here they are.. Thanks for looking in, I'll go and put this lot together now....
  12. Oh Yeah, did I mention a puppy?? May I introduce you all to the lovely Jess, two weeks old last Friday. Her eyes have literally just opened for the first time in this pic.
  13. If you think that's bad.. take a look at the 1/72 scale morser karl great transport from Hobby Boss. The back, plain, unseen faces are perfectly clean and mark free. What were the tool designers thinking when they drew these moulds up???
  14. Good morning all, only me!! Here's a little update, just to show you all I haven't gone away. Here's the main chassis frames built up. as mentioned earlier, the fit between sides and top wasn't great, but some mr surfacer applied to the join, after the glue setting under steel blocks sorted the gaps out. Note the sub assembly painting as the build goes on. These connecting chains are a work of art by Trumpeter. They are fully workable, I don't intend to play with them, but it's nice to have the choice of linking something up or leaving the linkage hanging down. Time for a gripe.... Bloody ejector pin marks!! Arrgghhh!!... at least there aren't too many of them on the kit... so far. Here's the bits and bobs all painted up ready to be fitted... Thanks for looking in, I should have more to show later. Right now I'm off to Brighton to see my two week old Puppy Wire Haired Fox Terrier for the first time..
  15. Hi Matt, I also have the Leopold, I got both this one and that one as a pair, for a VERY reasonable price. The first fit problem I had was the axles going into the bearing hubs, they were very tight so I shaved them down a little, then the chassis side plates were not a great fit up against the floor. I have one setting up now on the bench with some lumps of steel holding it all together, we'll see how it looks later on??
  16. Repetitive... you're not wrong there!! Here's how things look now, with some pre painted items. We're now on 390 parts. The wheel rims are painted with a very thin mix of Tamiya X-1 Gloss black, then they got a very thin coat of Alclad chrome. I will now mask the rims before painting the wheels German grey. The grey parts are painted with a very thin mix of Tamiya XF-63. I always use Cellulose thinners with Tamiya paint. I find it makes it more durable than when thinned with acrylic thinner. Thanks for looking in, more to come tomorrow.
  17. Thanks for the offer Kev, I almost needed a brake part, but the carpet monster gave up!! I won lol. I ordered the munitions schlepper yesterday on EBay. Here we have both rail cars frames built up along with the brake assemblies.. 260 parts in all!! Note I haven't fitted the brakes yet, I want to wait until I can get a wheel or two on first to check alignment. Now we move onto the axle assemblies, once again there are many parts to assemble, here's a shot of the relevant instruction sheet to show what's going on here... Here are the parts all cleaned up, for one car only. When both sets of axles are assembled, I will have put no less than 390 parts together!! Look at the detail on the hubs, note the separate oil reservoir caps!! Nice kit this!! Thanks for looking in. Once the axles are built I'll need to start painting things...
  18. there seems to be a lot of interest in this lovely kit, so I'll turn the build thread into a kind of "Review-Build" for you all. there also appears to be some interest in the part count, so here's a shot of all the 93 parts involved in building one pair of frame rails suspension and brakes... My fingers are numb following the clean up!! A little advice for anyone contemplating the kit, this note, bottom left, should only be applied to one frame rail, as far as I can see. Keep checking in, I'll be on this one all day today...
  19. Thanks for all your great compliments guys, this really is going to be a fun build. @Dave J, It says 840mm long on the box front. @ James H, I know what you mean, I've already put together more parts than in some 1/48 Aircraft kits!! @ Paul, I intend to paint it in sub assemblies as I go. I will be painting the trains with Tamiya XF 63 German Grey, then using post shading, washes, filters and dust I will try to add some interest to it. @ Martin, Calm down man!! lol. I'm jumping back on the bench now.
  20. Thanks Kevin for the advice there. I don't suppose there's a pic in the book you could PM me? I think to accurately achieve the sag I'll need to go for some aftermarket tracks? I assume the picture you've put up is the 54cm Barrel? Martin, the build has begun. I can't promise too much, I'm really an aeroplane guy, hence no research material at hand for this little project. Happy New Year all.
  21. OK, as requested here are some pics of the build so far.. I have decided to build at least one of the rail cars first, as a quick browse through the instructions shows they will be very complex, and with the repeated hubs, brakes and suspension parts will be monotonous at times. This is one pair of chassis rails for one car, and one set of brake assemblies. there are no fewer than 130 parts here!! Each double brake assembly is made up of 7 parts, and there's eight per car!! A closer view of the brakes for you.. Every spring is held in place by two separate hangars per end, they are beautifully moulded with very nice bolt detail. I feel this could be one of Trumpy's good 'uns? Definitely not a kit for the total novice... but a lovely build for all who want to get one.. so far. Happy new Year to all, I'm off for a cup of tea or two and a slice of cake to bring in the new year.. I hope they're serving tea at the local tonight? If not, I'll have to drink Beer
  22. Hi, I am about to begin a project to build a Morser karl Gerat on it's rail transport cars. The instructions for the kit show the suspension as raised for transportation, which is understandable, but they also show the tracks as sagged between the upper idlers and tight up against the road wheels? Surely the tracks would have sagged when the suspension was raised? I'm hoping someone here will have some reference to prove or disprove my theory please?
  23. Hello everyone, This is going to be my first build project here on LSM. I need a break from Aircraft, so thought I'd do an OOB Military build. I picked this up at a very reasonable price, so thought it wouldn't be too much of a shame to build it OOB. This is the later version of Karl, which utilised a different suspension set up from the earlier version. Both versions have the ability to raise and lower their suspension, and Trumpeter give the option of modelling either kit in the raised or lowered position. This kit is also kitted by dragon, but according to some reviews on the 'net, the Trumpeter is the better kit as far as content and detail is concerned but it is also a far more complex build, so beginners or someone who wants a "quick build" should maybe go with the Dragon kit. This is the box top. The kit number is 00209. Notice the wording on the box top, it states some kit features... 840mm long with 1251 parts!! Upon removal of the box top you will find Trumpeters normal great packaging, with many boxed parts and bubblewrap or foam protecting fragile areas of the sprues. The total number of sprues is a massive 30, plus upper and lower hull, tracks and no less than 8 rail sections. Just look at all that plastic!! Will I start this today...maybe???
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