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Everything posted by olfogey

  1. VERY nicely done!! JJ -- "olfogey"
  2. Bit late to the party..............but "Thanks" for the tips JJ -- "olfogey"
  3. Looks like "Scale Hobbyist" & "Hobby Link Japan" it is Thanks guys.................. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  4. After taking this advice, and doing a "Google is your friend" search.............I came up with "HobbyEasy.com" & "HobbyLink Japan" With shipping added, it brings the prices in-line with whats available in the US, but they do seem to have a better selection..........my questions are these - 1) Have any of you guys ever done business with either of them? (customer service, ease of payment, trustworthy, etc.) 2) Do the kits arrive in decent conditon? (this is my biggest concern, actually.) Thanks for any additional input....................Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  5. Although belated, Thanks for the tip about "PMMS"............another great site I didn't know about yet Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  6. Thanks for the tips.........now I have some places to look!
  7. Where do you guys suggest that I go stateside for 1/16 scale armor kits at a good price?? ( I'm new enough at this that I really don't know..........) Before anyone suggests it............I don't do "Evil-bay". Seems like 1/35 is everywhere, but the bigger 1/25 & 1/16, not so much. I've seen some R/C kits, but that stuff is out of my league by far!! (lol) Any suggestions greatly appreciated...................Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  8. Nice tip................ Some things I never knew before, never too old to learn (lol) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  9. "Make-up" sponges also work well for dabbing oil to get differan textures.........if you can swipe some from "the boss". (lol) JJ -- "olfogey"
  10. I avoid all that..............I found a product a few years back that works GREAT, can be re-used several times, is relatively non-toxic, and will remove both paint and chrome plating. It is called "Super Clean", and can be had from your local Auto Parts store (U.S.), for about 12 bucks a gallon. It comes in what I call a "People Eater" purple jug. The only thing to watch with this stuff is that it will take the oil out of your skin just zap!!, so wear gloves. You can soak plastic parts for several days with no damage to them, and depending on the paint, 24 hours is usually plenty. I have NO EXPERIENCE WITH RESIN, so do your own experiments. When done, strain and re-use........up to about four or five times (really haven't got it so dirty it wouldn't work, just got gross). When done with it, pour down your drain (AFTER straining out all paint), it eats grease, so it's a "win-win". This, like any chemical, can be HARMFUL IF MISUSED. Please read and follow label instructions. It is a grease emulsifier (parts cleaner), so use with caution and common sense.
  11. It is a great book..........sadly, "sold out" from the publisher. (did find a copy though) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
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