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Everything posted by olfogey

  1. Just looked through most of those...........don't recall that particular subject(??) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  2. If I am to start building WWI airplane kits, I see the need to be able to re-create "wood-grain" on plastic...........can anyone tell me the best way to do that?? Thanks for any tips & tricks...............Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  3. OK.........met the "Master", time to go home. ABSOLUTELY STUNNING WORK!! -- WOW!! Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  4. Curtis JN-4........
  5. As a novice modeler, I DEFINITELY appreciate your tips!!............"Thank You"! Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  6. Neat idea!!................ Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  7. Thanks!!................... mystery solved Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  8. SERIOUSLY thinking about taking a run at it..............little nervous because I never built a plane before, but what the heck Jeroen.......I'm going to take you up on your offer and send any questions your way. "First one" -- how do you guys achieve the opaque metallic look to your paints? I've noticed this on some armor builds as well on transmission & such, but don't know how it's achieved?? Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  9. The "WnW Junkers J.1" sounds like an excellent idea Honestly, the rigging was one of the things that concerned me the most. I looked through both threads that you linked to, and Jereons work is AMAZING!! That almost scared me off a bit, because I don't think I'm capable of that level, but it sure looks like a neat build. Now, a question? Are there any distributors in the U.S. ?? (Went to the "WnW" website and answered this for myself). Thanks for the tips and advice...............Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  10. After looking at all the large scale plane builds around here, I feel myself being drawn inexorably toward wings (lol) Would I be nuts to try this?? http://www.scalehobbyist.com/product.php?sn=/HAS00000031 I want to build a big bi-plane, but don't know which would be a good starting point(??) I have good modeling skills, just never built a plane before..................need some advice & guidance. Same thing here as in my armor builds, larger size is a MUST due to several factors. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  11. George & "Wingco57" -- Good news & bad news I DID find them through the "Hornby" website in the U.S., but unfortunately, they are not out in the U.S. as yet. They are currently available on the "Airfix" website in the UK, but I'm afraid the shipping would kill me............(lol) The guy at "Hornby" tells me they are enroute, but not expected for five weeks or so - (too late for Christmas). Has anyone in the U.S. bought from "Airfix" in the U.K. that can give me an idea what shipping costs might be?? This was a GREAT suggestion, as he's already "nuts" for Legos, and this will tickle him. Going to get several, no matter how it pans out........................Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  12. Just got done reading the "rubber band" track tip...............Nice model Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  13. ............any idea where in the U.S. I might find these? Did a search @ "Sprue Bros.", but no luck. "Lots" of Airfix, but not those. (??) Thanks..........Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  14. Thanks guys ............after looking these over, I think they will be perfect!! Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  15. My grandson will turn 9 at Christmas, and he is chompin' at the bit to help "Papa" build a model...........well, my quandry is this -- he is kind of artistic, and does well with learning the tools, etc., but I think an armor kit may be a bit much. I'm leaning toward a plane kit, as that could be hung when done. Is there a "Large Scale" plane kit ( i.e. -- HUGE ) around that he might be able to handle with my help?? -- (two novices here, so the bigger and simpler the better). Also, good if I could get it online from the U.S. to save scary shipping cost. Also, not looking to spend the mortgage here, so......................... Any suggestions gratefully accepted........................Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  16. Having seen combat...........I ABSOLUTELY AGREE WITH YOU!! " Honor, thankfulness, remembrance. No more, no less." By building aircraft and armor models, we are portraying "machines" used in warfare. I feel that when we put them in "context" ( and it is graphic ), that crosses a line that should NOT be crossed. I build models of an era and a war that I wasn't even yet alive for. I have NO desire to relive Vietnam in any context. People that actually served and experienced that have no wish to be reminded of it........usually the people that glorify the gore are the "wannabees" that think "war is cool". That's because they've never been.......................Just "my two cents", no offense meant to anyone else's viewpoint, just sharing my own. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  17. Thanks....................JJ
  18. Shameless plug...............(LOL)
  19. Any updates?...............just got this one, so I'm curious to see how it goes. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  20. Nice detail What is the purpose of "slat armor"? -- (I assume to deflect/explode incoming ordinance w/o damage to tank armor, while reducing weight) (??) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  21. NICELY DONE!! -- I, for one, am closely following armor builds here I am a new builder, and living on a disability income, so my entry into the hobby has been slow.........but I do read, follow and comment as much as possible. (I don't spend a lot of time "online", as I find it to be a time waster). Finally got my modeling area fixed up, and most of my paint & tools rounded up, and my wife was nice enough to help me get my "first build".......a Tamiya 1/25 T-34/85 -- ( I "chickened" out and decided to do a solid color paint job first ). I agree that I hope "armor" picks up here. and especially in the "larger" scales ( 1/16, 1/24, 1/25 ). I realize those are not the "cool" scales, or near the most popular, but it's what I hope to build because I suffer from old age, bad eyes, and fat fingers................(lol) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  22. I know there won't be much interest here, but " I'd " LOVE to see an accurate, quality 1/25 scale "Sherman", ( most common WWII version ), not R/C but static only. Seems that 1/25 is kind of the "red headed stepchild" of armor, as the 1/35 is hugely more popular, but I like what I like (lol) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  23. http://www.ipmsusa.org/Features/Miscreant/Miscreant.htm I got some GREAT laughs out of some of these .................as I'm a big believer in the theory we shouldn't take ourselves too seriously Jim J. -- "olfogey"
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