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  1. ah, Nell.....she was fond of knocking things off my desk: waterbottles, paint jars, my glasses. If it was in her way, down it goes!
  2. actually those pics are in my room at home. we cant nail anything into the dorm walls, so I just have posters and a couple small models sitting on my shelves Job prospects are interesting...I have an internship at the Univerity's special collections/archives and I am hoping that leads to something. There are also a few museums around here that I am planning on applying to. But if those dont materialize right away, I still have my McD job that will allow me to work and save up until I do get a career job. So Im confident that something will work out.
  3. your stash.... is there such thing as stash envy? Cuz I think there should be!
  4. quick questoin, but it looks to me like the arrestor hook is backwards?
  5. oooh, nice find! using colored wire will produce better results than trying to paint it, I think
  6. nice progress
  7. yah, purple! not a color you see often on military planes
  8. the engine is great! I bet you went crosseyed on that
  9. thank you. We loved her very much.
  10. its kind of a funny looking plane, isnt it? great job
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