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Everything posted by phoenixII

  1. Hey Cees, upside down OR sideways.............Welcome back!
  2. Cees, great build my friend, glad you got back to the 'beast', watching with interest. Hey Rick, that's NEAT! Some of the striping was applied with brooms and / or a mop. To get the 'erks' to use a brush!!!!!!! Ralph, your comment about 'friendly fire', you DO realise your talking about both the Royal AND Merchant Navy. Those lads fired at ANYTHING. Didn't matter, stars n' bars, roundels or crosses ALL were fair game! Paul
  3. DOWN BOY!! I was referring to that bain of the modellers life....................DECORATING! Paul
  4. Grant, credit where credit's due. You held off on the order, got them through in double quick time AND sent them on to me. That, in my book, is superb customer service, thank you. Your stock, hopefully, will NEVER get sorted, as you'll be too busy fulfilling orders! Martin, we KNOW you have no shame, but you HAVE got a Gotha AND, at this moment your wearing a wallpaper scarf! Paul P.S. When you've finished yours............................
  5. If I may? and to paraphrase Martin, Another massive thanks to Grant at Arrow Wolf for the two beautiful Snipes I received today. Not both for me, I hasten to add, THAT would be greedy! At the superb prices Grant has these and other WNW kits going for it would have been crazy not to buy from him. Can I also just say the service which Grant gives time after time is first rate and unsurpassed. Me? I blame Martin, HE started it!!! Paul
  6. Brad, thanks for posting. Mr Andrew Willox take a bow, phenomenal amount of work, basket weaving aside. Grandad was a cabinet maker, Dad a carpenter (couldn't hack a 7 year apprenticeship so ran away and joined the army [in 1941!]) As a static exhibit it's great, but, was it built for static or is she going to be flown? Paul
  7. Darren, that Sir is a thing of great beauty. Right click, save! Paul
  8. Thanks for posting this Dave, and thanks to, to the pilot, John Blyth for his bravery. The original, alone, unarmed and probably scared, but STILL won the D.F.C. a true hero, but, you can bet your bottom dollar, he WOULD disagree, and say, "just doing my bit"! God bless you Sir. Paul
  9. Doogs, Simples.............. do BOTH!
  10. Along with everyone else, 'Well done, Chris'. Quality will out! Paul
  11. .................and just HOW many times did you 'fly' it round the room? Paul
  12. ! (Mornin' Martin......!!!!!)
  13. Hey Martin, someones 'nicked' yer weekly posting!!! Great photo's, thanks for sharing. The Hun is superb, the heat coloured tail section is a work of art, BUT! got to agree about the Fee, but also the Rumpler. The sled team ain't half bad either! (That means EVERYONE going back to find it!! [except, possibly Thomas]) Paul
  14. Cees, looking good.........so far! (Que film soundtrack!) Don't know a.) if still available, or b.) available where you live, but, an easier way to take 'bulk' off the plastic card is with a "Sandivik" sanding block. The 'coarse' metal sanding surface will cut back the excess plastic in minutes, giving you a.) more time to 'fine tune' the aerofoil section, or, b.) more time for 'beer'!! Tip was given to me by John Adams (Mr. Aeroclub) as an easier way to sand off excess from vacforms. Paul
  15. Dave and Doogs, thanks for taking the time to post the above. An alternative to artist's oil's are artist's acyrilics, they'll dry that much faster (and their cheaper!) If you use oil's, one way to ensure they dry a little faster, squeeze a 'blob' (technical term, Honest ) onto a piece of kitchen towel or, if you can get it, onto a sheet of 'blotting paper' (I know, i'm THAT old!) and leave it for 45 minutes to an hour, the paper will remove a lot of the linseed oil in the paint, then thin with something like IPA (denatured alchohol). One last thing, another way to get your 'Wood grain', a GOOD quality broad, FLAT artists brush size 16 [3/4"] or 1/2" Aquafine by Daler-Rowney, (other makes ARE available! ) Draw through the thinned artist paint in ONE direction, instant wood grain. HTH Paul
  16. Hi Doug, thinking that you have already built this kit a few times? If not, one 'trap' to watch for is the fitting of the bracing wires between the undercarriage 'trousers'. Shall watch this build with interest, as much for which blue you use, or are you going to cheat and go "green"? Paul with a P-26 calling from the stash!
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