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Easy fix Rick, just add some of this to your Kool-aid...



Ha perfect!  Thanks Mike.


Love the Portland, Seaside and everything in between.  I did "Hood To Coast" in 01.   Had a blast, drank lots of Watney's afterwards.

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hi Rick
I have just read your post and I admire the work you made on this 190!
I tell you this hat on changes you make entry plastic kit and those in resin !!!

  • Like 1

hi Rick

I have just read your post and I admire the work you made on this 190!

I tell you this hat on changes you make entry plastic kit and those in resin !!!

La résine est difficile.  Le dur labeur rapporte de grandes récompenses.  Vos mots aimables sont appréciés.  J'espère continuer sur ce projet en quelques mois.


Vous écrivez super bien le Français :D !!

J'ai une petite question personnel ?? Vous avez appris en France ou aux états unis ?

Pour ce qui est de la qualité de la résine , j'ai eu le même soucis avec la casserole d'hélice et les hélices par elles même ( Alley Cat modes ) !

La résine est très fragile voir même cassante :wacko: ! Mais bon ! la qualité est au rendez vous et plus au norme que les pièces fournis dans le kit Revell !


You write great well the frenchman
I have a small question staff? You learnt in France or in the United States?
As for the quality of the resin, I had the same marigolds with the pan of helix and the helixes by them even (Alley Cat models )!
The resin is very fragile to see even breakable ! But well! The quality is in return  and more in standard than parts supplied in the kit Revell!


Ha perfect!  Thanks Mike.


Love the Portland, Seaside and everything in between.  I did "Hood To Coast" in 01.   Had a blast, drank lots of Watney's afterwards.


Wow, that's a long one. These days I'm lucky to make the "front door to the mailbox and back" run.

Keep on truckin'...

  • Administrators

i want to see one done Rick! Lots of work and love to be down the bin!! 

Just get your MoJo soon mate! :) 

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