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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Pacific Coast Models 32nd scale- Hawker Tempest Mk.V- 33 Sqn, BAFO, Germany

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Hiya Folks,

               Me again,......seeing as Ben asked me to post some other recent builds,.....here is a Tempest which I finished a few weeks ago. This is another model which had been underway on and off for some time but I finally got around to finishing it and it was a very nice kit to build, it just needed a bit of fettling along the way. Markings are mostly from the kit but the roundels and fin flashes are from the spares box as the colours in kit ones were a bit bright, and unfortunately the crown on the 33 Sqn badge on the fin is a current Queens crown rather than the correct Kings crown from the late 1940`s! As I have a soft spot for 33 Sqn (they put me forward for an award while serving with them in Turkey!) the model represents SN213/ 5R-S from this unit when it formed part of the post war British Air Forces of Occupation (BAFO) in Germany, Although the kit includes highly accurate drop tanks with clear fairings I left these off the model as these were not present on my reference photo of the real thing. Anyway here is the model;













The main silver paintwork was from a Tamiya rattle can but the rest was brush painted with Xtradecal WW2 Roundel Blue for the spinner and Polly Scale matt varnish to dull down the silver to make it look more like weathered RAF Hugh Speed Silver paint which was applied over the original grey/ green finish on the real aircraft. The only addition to the basic model was the use of Barracuda Cast resin post war Tempest wheels which had the distinctive block tread. 

Hope you like it,



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Cheers Fella`s,

                       The thing with PCM kits is that you have to put them back in the box now and again, do something easier and then come back to them,..that`s what I do anyway! ........Steve, like your hat mate! Hope you are keeping well?


All the best


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Hey Tony - that piccy was taken on my 60th. when the family treated me to a flight in a Harvard so obviously i had to dress for the part!!

I trust you are keeping well. look forward to seeing you at the Club sometime or will I have to wait for the Nationals - sorry ScaleModel World - wash my mouth out!!


Steve S.

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Hiya Steve,

                 Probably the latter mate as I struggle to get to the meetings. I hope you enjoyed the Harvard mate,......Alison and Rob bought me a Harvard (well Texan!) flight in Florida for my 40th,.....so I know how good it can be,.....I didn`t dress like a spoon though!




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