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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Masks for painting armor road wheels?


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Generally speaking, I think Eduard did some / do some, and maybe Montex?


I am not sure whether specifically for this kit, but they would be a good a place to start

Thanks for the input! I will check that out.

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Hi John,


I used to use masks for road wheels as I have a vinyl cutting machine at my disposal. I switched over to a drafting circle template a few years ago and haven't looked back. Find the correct circle and mask off the circles not used, seems to work just fine, just a different way of approaching the problem and it's reusable.


My 2 cents,



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Drafting circle templates are the next best thing to commercial masks and type specific (QuickWheel) plates. Get a stencil Xacto knife (where the blade pivots) and your set. I'm spoiled, as a hobby is suppose to be supported by disposable income and I have enough to get what I want, I buy the masks or the QuickWheel masks.

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Actually Paul...& John, I just spray directly on the template, placing the circle template directly on the road wheel. Usually, there will be a lip from where the wheel meets the tire and that is how I register the template, careful to mask off the circles not used.


I spray the whole road wheel Tamiya Panzer Grey and then after it's dried place the template over top and spray the centre the colour I need, I never try and make a complete coverage as I want the grey to be part of the "shadow" and create more depth....


That was an awful wordy explanation, I hope I made some sense.



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