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Slick Chick now has her black base for Alclad application.


The cowling has red squadron color with a scalloped tail extending towards and ending at cockpit.  See pic below.





My instinct is to paint the cowling and scalloped area red then mask before Alclad.


I am also considering to paint Alclad first then mask and apply the red area on cowling, etc.


Any thoughts or advice?


I wish I could say this through my own experience, but alas, no such joy....

Alclad should be resistant to masking of the red scallops. If you paint the red afterwards you also have the benefit of masking "paint chips" with masking fluid or by the use of the "hairspray technique". I think that chipping the red with a cocktail stick directly may prove harder since the red should have a good grip on the Alclad.


If the kit were on my bench, I'd airbrush the Alclad (all different shades) and then mask & paint the scallops.


Good luck!



I've had no problems masking over alclad (unlike other metallics i won't name...) - just use a mask with a lower adhesive such as vinyl, if you're concerned, or do a test on scrap plastic first




Mr. Color 1500 Surfacer applied. 


Finish tail markings with red and NATO Black and Black mix.  Light sand with 4000 Micro Mesh, clean and apply Alclad base prep.  Then the question, apply cowling/fuselage art before or after Alclad application?



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