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We continue with the motor, replace the plastic with tubes of brass and aluminum to give it more realism, are the first parts of the work, since we will reinforce with other brass strips two more tubes that the engine of the Komet, lacking more wiring but I leave While the first two pieces finished, I will be intercalating the assembly of the komet with the plow 196 published in recent days, as this will take a little more work on the wings, and how much scratch you can, cordial greetings from Mexico.




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  • 3 weeks later...

Buenas noches, chicos, chicos, yo estaba un poco retirado, pero he subido avances del Komet en 1/32.


Trabajar el sistema de armamento con los cables, estireno y varilla redonda de hoja perenne 025 '' de estireno para simular las barras de movimiento de las alas, todo esto tomado de estas fotos encontrar en la web en google en imágenes de gran ayuda el Internet, los derechos de las imágenes son los que corresponden ya que no hay información para hacer que el propietario de las imágenes que comparto.


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La verdad es que todo el trabajo realizado en la bahía de ametralladoras no está ya cerrado y poner las ametralladoras.

Lo siento por la calidad de la fotografía de estas imágenes son de mi dispositivo móvil.


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Las ametralladoras komet


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Trabajamos el motor con cables de cobre de calibre muy pequeño y además de cabañas cubiertas de plástico para simular las gruesas mangueras del modelo de motor de la komet 35 mm y 20 mm.


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Lo siento por la calidad de la fotografía de estas imágenes son de mi dispositivo móvil.

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These are the photos that I found on the internet that helped me to work the bays of the ket.







The rights of the photos are not mine, they were found on the internet, I hope not to offend or break some internal rule of the forum, greetings.


Greetings fellow modelers, I bring more advances of the Komet this occasion is the part where the bullets of the machine guns and the same bullets painted, with a bars cut to the measure they made the simulation of blade with rivets, I painted everything in RLM 02 and I was wrong painting the engine cover in aluminum color as all the internal parts were painted in RLM 02, greetings I await your comments.










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New advances of the Me 163 Komet, we finished the machine gun area, was made with styrene, aluminum tubes and small brass sold in bags of scrap for modeling here in my country Mexico, painted with RLM 02 and given use effects With xf 59 and xf-69 coffee and black tamiya to give effect of use cordial greetings.




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New developments of the komet what I got to do during the day, and finish the other part of the machine gun, I work the internal structure of the rear fuselage inside with styrene since the piece in half no longer had that internal detail.







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