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Good evening Gentleman,


The corsair is on hold again, because I found something new to me.

Free Flight Rubber models.

I finished my first one, I scratched all the rigging and armement.










And the nice thing is, they fly

this is not the Se5a yet, I need some experience so I made a Piper and that one flies already


This pleases me a lot so it will be autumn before I resume plastic modeling


Grtz Free

  • Like 3

Hi Spliff, that is so cool. I had a rubber driven Cessna when I was a kid. I really loved that one and it was the only possibility to let something fly in West Berlin except kites, because of the special status of the city. No way for radio controlled flying outside a club. Thank you for reminding me of this times and I wish you lots of luck and good trimming with that beautiful Se5a. Must be a special moment to prepare for the maiden flight.

Cheers Rob


Hi Spliff, you got me with this one, is it a kit or do you build the bird scratch after a scale plan? I did some quick research and found an american producer called Guillow's. They have, among others, some WW1 planes in their portfolio, but they are between 1/12 and 1/16 in scale and are prepared for rubber driven flight.

A year ago I found a wooden plane kit of a Bristol Scout in the only hobbyshop (don't think to much of it, they carry five plastic model kits, three from Airfix with included colours and two from Trumpy, actually it's a toy shop) on my island and nearly bought it. The producing swedish company (Svenson) is long defunct, but I'm not sure, because it was big and seemed not very detailed, but hey, it would be my only possibility to buy local :D.

Thanks again for planting a brainbug, but this it what it's all about, in the end they are flying like they are supposed to do, thats quite a different approach to plastik modelling, which sometmes is a show of vanity (me included, no offence meant) and not function anymore.

Cheers Rob


Omg....me too I spent all last night looking..guillows fw190 I really fancy a go. used to fly Alfa fw 190s rc my own paint job. 

Spliff can you put an electric motor, battery and switch for free flight instead of a band? Switch on and go..

  • Like 1

@ docrob : this is a kit from Vintage Model Company, based in England. They have an online shop Here. Altough I added a lot myself, this is how it looks when you follow the building instructions


I have a build log here


Svenson is a well known brand, my dad build those in the 80’s. But I recall they are more 1/8 scale and up wich is rather big. 

I have seen scale free flight models who can rival with scale plastic builds. So no excuse there ;) 

sorry for the brainbug, but I think you will enjoy it. Building is just one aspect, afterwarts you can go outside and have fun with it, witch usually results in more building.

grtz free


  • Like 2

Hehe, no problem here, I like to be sidetracked. Thanks for the build link and the Link for the Vintage Model Company. You took the base model to another step, very beautiful and hopefully not to heavy and well balanced.

The Svenson 'Scout' is really big, actually to big to fly rubber driven :D and if I build it, it will be decorational only, because I will not borther with combustion engine and RC stuff. Something smaller like yours or like the Guillow stuff should be more appropirate.

Cheers Rob


It weighs 40 grammes balanced, the same weight as the prototype from the designer.

Thats the challenging part, adding scale detail without weight. No resin conversion sets here  :D

I really liked the scrathbuilding part.



  • Like 2

 Just checked out the build thread , she has a scale modellers touch. Great work.. how do you replace/ fit the band. I really am liking this sidetrack. 


The rubber band is attached to a hook on the propellor side and the loop goes around a peg in the back. There are a number of possibilities at the propellor side, but I am still a novice. 

Grtz free


  • Like 1

Nice, looks not so easy for a first build. Take a look around on the forum I posted my build, there are a good number of tips for beginners.  Try to start on an magnetic buildingboard ( galvanised plate and magnets from your local DIY) it will make it a lot easyer then with pins. 

Take your time. 

Grtz free

  • Like 1

Thanks Free will take a look, this is a little more complex for a first go, Iam running again. 

Still I have one wing underway, I didn't realise this wasn't laser cut so I'm cutting every piece out and having to make parts too. But it's giving me a buzz. my dad would be proud.....

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi gents,


I just noticed that post image changed URL's and all my images are not showing, I will try to rectify that.

Got some concistend flights with the piper, confidence is growing to try the Se5a



rest of the turns after a failed attempt, I like the slow stable flightpath


I also made a catapult glider, those are real fun, not really scale.




  • Like 3

Nice Free, can't wait to see the Se5a to fulfill it's purpose. The trees look pretty close, aren't you afraid.
Today is a Paraglider Festival on my island, maybe a chance for some (mid size :D) freeflight action on photo. 

Cheers Rob


 Thanks free, i will check the site out. Nice steady build not rushing, I will need some pointers very soon. I will drop a pic in this weekend.

  • 3 months later...

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