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In 2015 I fulfilled a boyhood dream of visiting Lancs throughout the country (three of them in Bomber County of course). The Lanc means a lot to me as my late Grandfather was on Lancs during WW2 and Post-War with Coastal Command "The Kipper Fleet". Most of the pics in this walkaround are mainly of KB976 and NX611 with a few of PA474 Duxford's KB889 and Hendon's R5868. Now I've bored you all enough already so on to the pics. 

So first KB976 which was at the time in the RAF Scampton Heritage Centre. The fact that KB976 has Canadian heritage like me means even more to me (even more since I got aboard her)

32029864980_efe1fdb298_b.jpgDSC_2316_1306_zpsuqurk4c8 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32029864340_bcd1d43284_b.jpgDSC_2327_1317_zpsgeaxarb8 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32286875551_a8d924ed47_b.jpgDSC_2324_1314_zpshcv2ohr9 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32029864640_784c866224_b.jpgDSC_2325_1315_zpsimgtw5fq by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Trailing aerial fairing.

32029864200_16d3288421_b.jpgDSC_2335_1325_zpsrvvmeplv by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Where my Grandfather would have sat when he crewed Lancs.

32286874861_25b9d293c3_b.jpgDSC_2389_1379_zpsqsunkij8 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Navigator's station.

32029863990_c8f3c49f64_b.jpgDSC_2390_1380_zpsyxbw4flj by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32286876311_ceafd8618d_b.jpg1524725_10152759328801640_7900873645193917727_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32029865240_72ea108073_b.jpg11329743_10152759326641640_4240847877369593291_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32029865040_2ae197c1c4_b.jpg11350414_10152759329056640_937112618501248607_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Control column, with instrument panel behind. 

32029865530_f7df46fd4a_b.jpg11220852_10152759326456640_957163028751422760_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32286874641_b620f9621d_b.jpgDSC_2391_1381_zpslarr4e3m by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32407295945_5c08cc073b_b.jpgDSC_2392_1382_zpsqqn53fgf by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32029865420_6105c22fee_b.jpg11224714_10152759326356640_3838960135855307849_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bombaimer's station.

32286876211_96e56ee7c4_b.jpg11200576_10152759326526640_6974606603883469875_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

And living the dream.
32368605816_40a2a2ffaa_b.jpg11020803_866190816786419_6194112133332195278_n_zpstkq3fucd by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Now NX611 at East Kirkby.

32257097082_d303a00c9a_b.jpg11745817_901016826637151_8706309869620109252_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32257203562_e6a3c2af5e_b.jpgLanc uc bay by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

H2S blister, with flare chute off centre

32257097142_ea950eea6d_b.jpg11745624_901014756637358_650247501708057393_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bomb bay.

31596339713_37bbd05b1f_b.jpgBomb bay (2) by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32257097232_d3d37865ff_b.jpg11742970_901016883303812_9001318960766726708_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32257097342_92c30eb038_b.jpg11742826_901016929970474_6986909566025842678_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bomb bay centre section. 

31565027124_a9480d0b0b_b.jpgBomb bay by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bomb bay rear.

31565027204_b38ffc4e5e_b.jpgBomb bay rear by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Radiator, and radiator flap.

32287125311_575f48d5cf_b.jpgDSC_2110_1118_zpsovuv2cdy by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Starboard landing gear.

31596332833_99fe31b58c_b.jpgWheel by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr


31596332973_e24eedb416_b.jpgTail wheel by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

"Just Jane"

31596333053_af46e57ff2_b.jpgNose (3) by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr


31565026364_960bb817dc_b.jpgLanc tails by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Ice guard.

31565026504_d27be3d3a3_b.jpgIce guards by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Port elevator.

32287125051_66641dc82a_b.jpgElevators by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Starboard elevator.

31596340273_6794cdc8f2_b.jpg11755928_901014703304030_1510963635373192847_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rudder linkage.

32287125221_e5fa2f6acf_b.jpgElevator controls by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Strike camera port. In here would have been an F.24 camera for post strike assessment.

31565026984_73d12668ca_b.jpgCamera port by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rudder balances.

31596339833_317ecf9eb7_b.jpgBalances by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32287126061_193563ba53_b.jpg11752022_901014816637352_3130620125160731375_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rear turret housing. And identification lights.

31596340463_555da27949_b.jpg11755716_901014893304011_2323523142454529036_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rear turret.

31596340053_c1ddf37602_b.jpg11781732_901016639970503_6017149684894753138_n by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

R5686 at Hendon.

31596458873_d8370a4606_b.jpg10999991_817880421617459_3183177911830925803_n_zpsqibbws8p by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr


32030209920_ee1a06f8f3_b.jpg11001855_817882668283901_7326247561348748367_n_zpseawtywgk by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rear turret.

31596459163_424aaf865a_b.jpg10988514_817877568284411_310177330971174748_n_zpss0kmcdbo by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bombaimer's blister.

31596459463_81605cca0b_b.jpg10959813_817880094950825_6638350259497621636_n_zpsttp0eahw by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Strike camera port.

32030210880_6cfae9ccd7_b.jpg10931149_817882628283905_2843690881791035674_n_zpsritozqd0 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Rear fuselage.

32407594655_ae72423534_b.jpg603875_817880304950804_2443230326259986724_n_zpshjjswezd by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

Bomb log and Goering quote.

32368196106_42a9098577_b.jpg10985913_817882768283891_884545196569890818_n_zpstqvi05p6 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

KB889 at Duxford.

32368094356_cce32bc88a_b.jpgDSC_0918_01_zpsevfg6mos by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32368094226_d6a2e20187_b.jpgDSC_0925_01_zpsyzbixf9g by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

31565055144_7618525dbb_b.jpgDSC_0927_01_zpsikklst6u by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

31565055074_4f1362d14f_b.jpgDSC_0932_01_zpsv53gwgg5 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32368093746_2e3dc77ce0_b.jpgDSC_0934_01_zpsrvglhbhj by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32407531195_97549758c6_b.jpgDSC_0982_01_zpsaob7gefm by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

32257270242_931bfa3b2f_b.jpgDSC_0984_01_zpsojdue9gv by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

PA474 at RAF Coningsby.

31596485513_dd987d91f0_k.jpgDSC_2066_1079 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

31565164714_8ee7d262ae_k.jpgDSC_2069_1082 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

31596484263_4a868f5a7a_k.jpgDSC_2077_1090 by Darren Greenwood, on Flickr

  • Like 2

Daz, great photos. Thanks for sharing them. I ashamed of living in bomber county and not having time to visit these. If you have anymore be great for the Lanc builds......

  • 2 years later...

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