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Hi Guys, is this a fictional aircraft in the Airfix kit?  I cant find any info on it online


De Havilland Mosquito FB.VI No. 143 Squadron, Banff Strike Wing, Coastal Command, 1945.


NE A with serial HR 405.


Drifter old chum, can you give a specific date? and what kind of info are you looking for, I just might have it, but a date would be easier for me to dig....

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well I had to go through 4071 airframe datas, to come up with this little bit so far.... Flown by F/O A.V. Randell and R.R. Rawlins of the Banff Strike Wing and was S.O.C. November 23, 1946. I will see if I can find anything operationally if you like..... so far not much out there, nothing listed for 1945

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A little more digging and I have this ...she had Merlin 23/25's, built by Standard Motors, delivered in September 1944, not much more, unless you can get to the squadron ORB...  best I can do with the info I have...

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It IS Coded NE*A, that's true but it doesn't look like it is a famous raider of any notoriety, at least in what I have....  so far

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Thanks Phil..... I'm not sure I'd go as far as 'genius', more .. enthusiast? And as I am really into Mosquitoes and Spitfires, I have accumulated a little bit of info along the way.... and always very glad to be able to share, and help out... the research is a lot of fun.........

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This photo appears in my copy of Mosquito Bomber/Fighter-Bomber Units 1942-45 by Martin Bowman ( Osprey Combat Aircraft #4)............... caption reads .... " No. 143 Sqdn's FB VI HR405/NE-A, banks away from Charles Brown's camera off the Scottish coast, exposing it's rocket rails, and underside details to good effect. This aircraft survived the war to eventually be struck of charge in November 1946"  The original photo credit to Phil Jarrett.

I hope I have been of some help in your quest.. if I come across anything more I will pass it on.... if anyone is interested.....


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It also appears this aircraft and crew were involved in the destruction of U 843, April 9, 1945 at Kattegat after repeated rocket and cannon attacks....and may actually have been credited with the sinking, but that I can't confirm just yet...


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Wow Jeff. This is super info. Thanks a million. I also managed to fine the pics above in Pintrest of all places, but not much else. I think I have made up my mind, I find it a unique scheme for the Mosquito with the beige-green underside and the Yellow spinners. 


I was considering the all silver as flown by the RAAF, but I think that will be too much. I have never seen a 1/'24 in that scheme though. It does look good with the silver and blue and white markings. 

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You're very welcome, I have a mountain of information on air frames and other information, always fun to look this stuff up  I have a colored pic of Max Aitken in front of his Mossie, with the yellow spinners, I have also seen them with red spinners.....and yes the Aussie machines do look VERY cool in the silver dope and the SEAC roundels...... I'm glad you found this bit of info of some interest.....

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I really did. I love the Mosquito,  as you can gather from my profile pic. Would you mind posting that pic please? The one with the yellow spinners. 

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Well, damn, it looks like I'm going to have to dig deeper, as I can't find the one with the yellow spinners, all I can see right now is the red ones.... isn't that always the way??



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Superb, knew you could do it. How bad is the paper cut? Now I wonder where I could get a trolley like that in 1/32 or 1/35.


Off to Google I go. 

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11 hours ago, Drifter said:

Superb, knew you could do it. How bad is the paper cut? Now I wonder where I could get a trolley like that in 1/32 or 1/35.


Off to Google I go. 

Bad..... left arm nearly severed :rofl:bleeding profusely ..............  I hope that is of some help, and I equally hope you may consider a wip so we an watch and learn....let us know what you find for a trolley................ I am interested in how this all comes together for you....

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I will do so, My WIP will be a masterclass in how NOT to do things. My skills pale in comparison to you guys. In fact, work was so bad, I havent touched styrene in about 4 months.

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Drifter old chum, at least you 'have' skills, there are days when I wonder if I will GET any skills...... I would love to see what you do with this kit....did you see Pete F's build and video on it, that might bear a look see as he mentions a few spots that could be of concern, if you are interested..... just a random thought...

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That video gave me nightmares. But , I will chin up and do  it my way. (WTF, that sounds like a song). 

Look, I will in no way match what he did, that is just epic. I will put my own spin on it, end of the day , I build for "me" time, not for a pat on the back. Gonna be fun.


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