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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Lemkits 1/32 Henschel Hs-293A-0/A-1 - Anti-ship glide bomb - Limited edition resin kit

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Hs-293 is one of the weapons of the Third Reich that became the pioneer of all types of anti-ship guided cruise missiles.
Using the standard SC-500 aviation bomb with additional wings and tail feathers,
the Henschel were able to bring this planning bomb
with a Walter HWK 109-507 rocket booster to mass production
effective enough to be used against Allied ships,
17 of which were sunk, and the battleship «Warspite» is among the damaged ships.
Although the Hs-293 was developed as an anti-ship system,
there were facts of its use in the destruction of bridges after the landing of the Allies in Normandy.

The carriers of this system could be the He-111, He-177, Do-217 bombers.

The model of this planning bomb will be a good addition to your collection,
and studying its history will reveal interesting facts that are not always on the surface ,since the first work on Hs-293 began back in 1939!79755926_2428772924049093_5440596873851180006512_2428772917382427_4152312388214879107248_2428772907382428_6730027033423780109513_2428772980715754_7234602626036279180007_2428773000715752_1181886948734679459588_2428773007382418_2637999068168574439804_2428774587382260_85693721397176

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Combat models do offer the HE 177 in 1\32 with detail parts as a vacform. (And an F4 phantom and a pair of me 262's in 1\24!!! ) But I could not resist Upor's awesome Lavochkin La9: 'tis under the tree, as I write! Ooooh, Its all too tempting. Nurse, the Screens! 

Blue Skies!

Captain Boogaloo

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