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Anthony in NZ

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  1. I'm in awe mate...absolutely LOVE it!
  2. Simply amazing Oliver...I am in awe of every post mate! Appreciated the wee painting tutorial too, thanks!
  3. Oh yes it sure does! Magnificent Cees, keep up the great work buddy, looking really good!
  4. Really nice result considering the chopping. That should contour and finish up nicely. That's quite a difference to what you started with isn't it, well worth the effort in my opinion Great stuff
  5. That's brilliant Cees! That back end gives quite a different look doesn't it? Lovely clean surgery sir....carry on, brilliant stuff
  6. Oh yeah, now we're talking! That looks really good! That Revell kit actually lends itself quite nicely to the conversion dosent it? Glad you like the parts, a LOT of hours went into them. Really makes me happy to see guys like you using these parts and all that research etc by kerry and I not being wasted on just my model. Cheers Anthony
  7. That's brilliant Cees! Ok you know what I would do is file a little bit off the hook mounting between the printed reheat cans as the engines were ever so slightly closer together. That should help take care of them sticking out past the sides of the fuselage. Otherwise I am impressed at how well they drop in considering they are 'actual size' reduced to 1/32 instead of making it fit a kit. Nice work, hopefully those extras I sent you wont be far away Cheers Anthony
  8. Whatever it is you turn your hand to with modelling, you seem to nail it! Awesome progress Peter, you really have some skills!
  9. Looking good mate. Your parts left earlier this week. Hope you get them soon. Epic build and I like the new mods you are making.....wonderful stuff!!
  10. Not something I had picked up on, but when i go back and compare...you are right, that looks much better!
  11. Lovely work Cees...well that's an understatement from me! Thank you for the inspiration to forge on with mine. You are truly brilliant at how you are achieving this with this kit...awesome
  12. I agree with Martin, thats some seriously good skills there. I hope mine comes out half that good! Cheers Anthony
  13. Wonderful start Cees! Love that you are building another one! Some bits on their way this week buddy!
  14. Yup, I'm in! Good grief Cees, I hope you dont beat me to finishing another conversion whilst I still plod along on my first!! Great job mate, I am already excited about this Cheers Anthony
  15. Wah-Hoo I finally sorted (guessed what my password was) my login details....so happy Now Cees I can comment publicly on how much I have loved following you along with this build. You have done an amazing job and have been a HUGE inspiration for me doing my own conversion. Your results are awesome and I hope mine will look half as good as this does. Just beautiful and genuinely lost for words, I have a new screensaver to keep me motivated now 👍 Cheers Anthony
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