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Everything posted by denders

  1. It might be interesting figuring out what the yellow stripes actually looked like when new.
  2. That might work. I've never tried the hairspray method. I do have a bottle of someone's chipping fluid but I've not tried it either. Hmmm.
  3. Thanks, Peter. That would be easy except....... There's a lot of wear on the stripes. Lots of masking painting too.
  4. She's got legs. I'll have about 10 days or so to contemplate whether I'm going to use the decals for the yellow stripes or the more tortuous route of masking and painting them. The small decals that I did use in the cockpit were hard to get to settle down into the raised detail in the cockpit. But the stripes are worn and that has to be a lot of work to duplicate in a mask. I'll think about it. I may have to rewatch an episode or two to see about other weathering effects that I may want to duplicate. The front of the right engine has a panel missing, so I may want to add some scorch marks in that area.
  5. Perhaps that's where they got the idea. It's said that the cockpit for the Millenium Falcon came from a B-29.
  6. Thanks for the suggestion, PW, I had wanted to try that, so I've ordered some from a local online seller. He's about an hour away but doesn't have a physical store front. I could arrange to pick it up, I think, but it's still ~an hour away. I've masked and painted some varied panels with different metals. The base color is SMS Aluminum, and the other colors are various MRP metal colors. The landing gear wells are blue and when I was pulling the masking off, I realized that I forgot about masking and painting the nose gear well.
  7. Thanks guys! Here's a quick way to use 2/3 of a bottle of aluminum paint. Some other colors mixed in too. Now I need to do some research about possibly changing up some of the panels. Perhaps a few scorch marks too.
  8. Black Primer
  9. And one more, that's it for tonight. Annnndddd..... Yes and Yes. It is on the lower deck under the left hand console.
  10. I imagine that the cockpit decal won't be very visible and will be sufficient. The decals do not match up with the raised detail that is in the molding. Also, on the attached side wall, the left end, the metallic item on the blue column, the instructions show a matching metallic item on the opposite column too. It is molded in, so..... Again, I'm not sure what is going to be visible in there even with the side doors open.
  11. Thanks, guys! More progress for today.
  12. Okay, some progress. I had to dig out the Ooooooooooooooooold bottle of Solvaset and use a brush to poke the decals down over the detail. Microsol just wasn't doing it. Onward!
  13. Thank you, folks! Peter, that was part of the choice, I thought it would be 'different'. But it's something to build OOB too. All my other twins would have had some sort of detail additions to them. Since it was raining all day yesterday, and I couldn't paint on my other projects, I thought I'd clean up some parts and get them ready for painting. So it wasn't raining this afternoon, so a bunch of things were painted. Most of these parts have some additional hand painting or masking and painting, but it's a start. I have a board with the paint booth exhaust attached that I put in the window when I paint. I don't like having it in place when it's raining. To start with the outside of the board gets wet, but that is also the side of the house that seems to have the wind against it too.
  14. I wanted to join in this Group Build and while contemplating what to build, I didn't want to get into something too detailed because of the other models that I have started which I want to keep moving forward on. So, one day while contemplating it, this came to mind. I picked this kit last March while we were in Phoenix and stopped by Andy's. When I saw he had these, I just had to get one. The other kit that I bought was the F4U-1D in the other build thread. The first order of work was to try to match the paints that I have to be close to the Revell paint numbers called out in the instructions. I'll have to remember to mark down any changes that I make along the way to try to keep it sort of matching. Obviously, there is a lot of silver paint. I'll see what I can start with, it's rainy here today and the forecast has it into Monday, so I can't do any airbrushing. I'm thinking that I'll just use the decals for the yellow markings, but as I look at it, perhaps I'll change my mind and try masking and painting. I still have to decide whether I'll build it with gear down or up.
  15. I've been wanting to join in on this GB but I didn't want to get into a deep modification, etc. because of all the other kits that I have started and would like to finish sooner than later. So, a few days ago, while seated in the 'thinking room', this came to mind. It's a twin. I bought it last March when we were in Phoenix, and it was on the shelf at Andy's. OOB
  16. I knew a fellow who was a radioman on Neptunes in the 50s. He told me a story about a crew who shut down both radials and just flew on the jet engines. Power generation was part of the radials, not the jet engines. So, when running on the jets electrical power was from the batteries. Unfortunately, the crew waited too long to restart the radials, the batteries were too low to crank the radials. Eventually, they lost all electrical power. IIRC, the aircraft was lost.
  17. So................ The forward ASROC launcher and 3D CIWS that I purchased. While trying to use some of the PE that is part of the ship structure (cutting away plastic), the PE didn't seem to fit very well. I'm not sure if it's my construction order or not, but I ended up purchasing another kit for USS Pharris. Back to the drawing board and perhaps some of the PE won't be used. I did notice that some of the tiniest pieces on the ASROC launcher aren't on the example in their photos.
  18. I've ordered mine.
  19. I usually keep items in my SB cart. Although, now and then the cart seems to disappear. I think the solution is to log out and re-login and it says that I left some items in another cart, so it adds them.
  20. Looking very nice, Peter!
  21. Thanks, Gaz. My brother liked it too. He made a comment about A-10s being his favorite jet. Hmmm.
  22. Thanks. No, we're not coming to the banquet. I do have to pick up my Corsair model. Probably sometime after dinner or whenever I can get into the contest room.
  23. Here you go, Peter, I put it on the table at NATS. That J-3 Cub looks fabulous!
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