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Everything posted by Trigger

  1. Hello Everyone, Well as promised, i have now started the build of my 1/24 scale Typhoon`. I will be building the "Pulverizer IV" version, just because this Tiffie was once stationed in the Netherlands. I saw that Erik wil be building the 'Pulverizer II" , so both our aircraft wil be "Bombphoons". The first thing i did when the kit arrived was to inspect the canopy, and yes mine had a crack and a distortion in the back of the canopy. Yesterday the replacement part arrived from Airfix, and this one has no crack, but still has the distortion . i think i'll just leave it as it is right now, and perhaps in the near future this will be sorted out as well. i also ordered the aftermarket radiator grille set from Radu Brinzan, and the cockpit decal set from air scale. Both will be a fine improvement on the kit parts from what i have seen so far. So after having studied the building manual, you must immediately make the choice of what type of aircraft you are going to build and if it will be an "in flight" model or a " wheels down" version. I will be building a "wheels down " version with the engine and the gun bays exposed. so here are the first pictures of my attempt to build this monster. I first put primer on the frame and then i sprayed the frame in flat aluminum tamiya xf 16. I also sprayed some loose parts of the cockpit such as the floorboards and side panels in aluminum and then in a coat of flat black. (so i can chip some paint here and there and then the aluminum will appear underneath) i have weathered the frame using oil paints in different colors that i mixed. The firewall and the tubing underneath the engine mostly black creating the look of an engine with some oil loss. The oil tank is now dry fitted against the firewall and was weathered with raw umber, burnt sienna and coal black. The floor boards were also sprayed in aluminum first with a coat of black on top, and then i used a brush with a tiny bit of thinner to remove the black in some places to create a bit of a worn look. Well that's is it for today, I hope i will be able to keep up the build so i can send you guys a regular update. Greetings, Frank
  2. I have sent an e-mail to Airfix about the cracks in the cockpit, received a message that the replacement parts are already sent to my home address.They sure live up to their high standards i must say. They promised that the new parts are without problems and the production of the clear parts has been changed so this should be solved. ( So now it is on to the build of the Tiffy, can't wait to start)
  3. i have got two kits, and both have got the same crack in the canopy where it's attached to the sprue. I also have sent an e-mail and i'am waiting for a reply. (to be continued) Frank
  4. i have ordered two typhoons, the second one arrived today, and both sets have a crack in the canopy in the same place where it is attached to the sprue seems to be a production flaw.
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