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  1. Doogs, why does the 35mm lens show sharper detail than the 60mm macro?
  2. As a work surface in my spray booth I use the real "CARD" board (poster board) and clean my airbrush with either alcohol or lacquer thinner sprayed into a small rag-filled bowl. I use a lazy susan covered with "Press'n Seal (a food wrap made by Glad brand.)
  3. Just a caution using the super glue .......... the super glue dries MUCH harder than the surrounding plastic making sanding it down flush a real pain in the ~~~ ! But, it can be polished very nice.
  4. Well if it's OUT of your element ............. I'd like very much to see something you've done WITHIN your element !!!! Fantastic work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. You're right there, ................. something I'll never forget!
  6. I love the Phantom .................... My FIRST job out of high school .......... I got to walk all over, in and out , of these babies in final assembly inspection at McDonnell. Will
  7. Very nice! .................... are they only doing the D.VII as for now? Will
  8. Darren, where did you find that wooden kit ? ........................ awesome !
  9. You could build dozens of the Albies ............. and no two schemes would be alike! One of the great features I like about THAT type. Welcome to the forum.
  10. I have only used them once, and was a little apprehensive because of their size, so I sectioned them and applied that way. Had no problem except around the edges, where they are supposed to roll over. Weren't real noticeable but could have been better. Used a LOT of Micro Sol ( I know, the directions say hair dryer) but that is new to me so I digressed. Next time...............
  11. I may be the oddball ............ I love the challenge of the rigging ............... But I'd ALSO love to do this model too!! BTW, where is the best place to get that Kagero book? Will
  12. That's interesting, how did you make the sights?
  13. Glad I caught this, as I'm about to use these decals on the interior of my Snipe. Didn't know you had to prepaint a base color. Thanks. Will
  14. Yep, SbS needed ....................... very nice!
  15. Beautiful work Dave. This same model and scheme was my first and (as of now) only WWI model. Can't tell from the pics., but did you manage to include the rigging that runs from the forward cabine strut to just below the machine guns? The instructions weren't that clear and I failed to predrill the fuse. and by the time I figured it out it was too late to drill without risking damage. Also, I found the inboard struts too short, or the cabine struts too long. Did you have any problem there, or was it something I screwed up somewhere along the line?
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