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Everything posted by kuya

  1. Count me in when it get's released
  2. great review Jim !
  3. Loved the pic James ,any more ?
  4. Been modeling since early 70's and opening a Monogram box and seeing the B17 was eye opening inspirational
  5. Mine the ends are hard not pliable and was about to throw it away I didn't of think water !
  6. I have purchased from them on EBay shipping time is average
  7. Super looking build like get some details , you used Gunze paint but which ones
  8. Vallejo paint very interesting are you satisfied when compared to Gunze paint?
  9. Actually I have used Vallejo semi gloss spray mix with good results on WW2 aircraft but not with WW1 aircraft cloth type aircraft just cant hit it
  10. I noticed several great builds that the finish was dead flat which made the model to look like a model in reality 1to1 scale the finish was more a semi gloss finish and some areas around engine were glossy from Castor oil spray so what I want to achieve is a semi gloss finish but I find that some gloss and flat finish are not exactly what I want does anybody have a suggestion
  11. Ok WW1 kits is new to me and staring to gather kits but surprisingly having access to WW1 paints are impossible Misterkit is found on the net but the 2 main colors I need are never in stock PC10 and clear doped Linen I have access to Vallejo , Gunze , Tamiya ,
  12. any US sellers , seems most overseas sellers are sold out
  13. love the way you did the exhaust do you have a process , paints on how you did it
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