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Everything posted by seiran01

  1. Will do a test print this weekend and see how it’ll look full size
  2. What about something from a jet of the era? Could some from a canadair sabre work?
  3. Great photos Martin Ernie... back to the drawing board to refine the back end shape of the air scoop? Or will you modify what I sent you?
  4. Wooo! Major milestone on the build! looks like you got the rear windows polished up nicely. And now the remaining steps of the build will fall like dominos
  5. Thanks Carl and others. I’ve certainly considered selling the parts but there are a number of moving pieces with this including whether or not I provide these to someone else to sell (either printing the parts or casting with using my parts as masters). I’ll be sure to let y’all know when I know what direction I’m taking. In my head right now to design are Lanc Mk.II nacelles/engines, a Lincoln conversion, and continuing to develop parts for Mosquitos (tse tse, anyone?). If all goes to plan, bigger things to come!
  6. Some dayglo inspiration for ya Ern - Lanc 10DC air-to-air videos at 4:45 and 10:15. I know yours won't be slinging Firebees, but it's the first video I've seen of Canadian Lancasters.
  7. I think you are going to fine these pretty damn nice! The stubs on a few of these prints retained their being hollow down the full length of the part- as such they’re extremely delicate but I think they’re gonna look superb once painted. Woo!!!
  8. Neither can I , to be honest... CAD and I have been disagreeing all weekend on how to do details of the Ki98 I'm designing for myself. Glad it sees eye to eye with me on the exhaust
  9. Hey Ernie... How's this look? Copied as best I could from the HK mossie 16 exhaust
  10. Eduard ones wont work - they're for the "standard" single stage merlin engines where the two rear cylinders share one exhaust stub. The two-stage merlins on the later mossies had six individual stubs like the lancasters
  11. Cheers Ern! I'll drink that. At nearly 2am here, that drink will be something to put me to sleep...
  12. Ooh, looking even nicer under primer! Was the degreaser needed or was that more to be on the safe side?
  13. Looking good Ern! Bits & bobs will be in the mail tomorrow or Tuesday. Martin- what are the drones under the wings of the pic you posted on the first page? Firebees?
  14. Ernie - late donation too - I’ll chuck in a WNW sop snipe (late)
  15. Hah, reminds me of me as a youngun! Merry Christmas everyone
  16. Running around like a headless chicken today and don't have time to type up a review, but here's what you get in the kit https://imgur.com/a/ZDi2ThS
  17. Yeah, can snap a few tonight when i get home
  18. Mine landed about a week ago, it's significantly nicer than even the photos SW shared imply. May be their nicest kit yet!
  19. Heh, Cupcake. Well Ern I'm updating the address book in my phone to reflect that! Thanks Maru -Mike
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