have a look to https://rfstudio.hu/termek/82 (Quick set product)
It is expensive but I was positively impressed.
Anyway, your built is wonderfull.
With respect to the radar operator`s station I recommend to see pictures and read explanations in the German JET & PROP Heft 6/95 pages 40 and 41.
These pictures are too poor to show here. But go to https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/arado-ar-234-projects-and-variants.5631/#lg=thread-5631&slide=4
Clear is that this aircraft version called "Nachtigall" existed. A description you can find here https://www.secretprojects.co.uk/threads/arado-ar-234-projects-and-variants.5631/#lg=thread-5631&slide=5. Hope this helps.
Cheers Alfons