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  1. Very nice review so far Jeroen! Cheers Alan
  2. Hi Jim, damn happy to have found this build thread! She’s looking just great!! I will be supporting HKM and getting their Lanc- should make a nice long and enjoyable build!! Hope you are feeling better and recovering mate! Cheers Alan
  3. Really nice work so far Martin!! Cheers Alan
  4. Hi Jeroen, I just had to revisit this amazing build - outstanding!! May I ask, how did you get the wooden base design - is it laser engraved? Beautiful work!! Cheers Alan
  5. Beautiful and unique!! I love the base and way the aircraft is displayed!! Cheers Alan
  6. One of the nicest and more interesting builds I've ever seen in a long time! Cheers Alan
  7. This is one of the nicest and most interesting builds I have ever seen!! Just amazing work and imagination!! Cheers Alan
  8. What an envious collection! That Do really dwarfs anything next to it!!! Cheers Alan
  9. Amazing build Jim!! I love the exposed engine!!! Cheers Alan
  10. Looking just beautiful!! Cheers Alan
  11. Glad your finger is better mate! Now get some work done on this kit!!
  12. Looking just great mate!! I can't believe how nicely things go together on this kit - considering it's a limited run kit! You are doing a great job! Cheers Alan
  13. Erik! Any new updates? How's the finger healing!!?? Cheers Alan
  14. Jim!! Ahem!! Cough cough ..... any news buddy?? Cheers Alan
  15. Really nice work so far!! How did you fill in and attach the flaps?? I really like your work so far!! Please keep us updated!! Cheers Alan
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