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Everything posted by imatt88

  1. More pics!!!!! More pics!!! Great work! Cheers, Ian
  2. An E-1 with an Alley Cat conversion for a Condor 109 is on my bucket list
  3. Paul, You must post pics of this build as this combo is on my bucket list! Its a bummer that the Arado just doesn't mate up with the catapult. It seems Murphys Law applies here Cheers, Ian
  4. Rog, Thanks for the links. I was great info to have. Kitbash the best parts of all those 109s and you could really make an accurate "E" Part III would be an interesting read, if we could only find it.... Cheers, Ian
  5. Ok, I pre ordered my RoG 109G before I read the answers to my question.... I'm curious about these plans.....what are the powers-that-be cooking up?
  6. Johann, Great stuff! I like both fighters. Keep the info coming! Cheers, Ian
  7. Anyone read the the reviews about RoG's soon to be released 109G over on LSP? Thoughts? I put it on my bucket list...... Cheers, Ian
  8. Wow! excellent build and great weathering! And.......... Cheers, Ian
  9. Cool! got any pics?
  10. Where did the catapult come from? That is sweet! Can't be cheap tho......
  11. Hey all, Traded for these today Slowly trying to get my Luftwaffe stash built back up. Time to start saving my pennies to buy some goodies for these Cheers, Ian
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  12. Nick, Great stuff!! I wish I would have seen this before I made my post asking about the 109... Cheers, Ian
  13. Yup, I found out what an "H" vesion is, it was a high altitude recce version. Be suprised what you find out when you read.... Thanks everyone for their input and info Cheers, Ian
  14. Matt and Nick, Thanks for all the information about the 109. It gets very confusing with so many versions out there. I checked out the "H" conversion. I've never heard of it, and it looks like a "G" or "K" to me... Cheers, Ian
  15. What was the last version built for the Luftwaffe?
  16. Hey all, This might sound like a stupid question, but how many 32nd scale 109 kits are actually out there? I was out of the modeling loop for a couple of years while I played with trains, and when I came back I couldn't believe the amount of new 32nd scale kits that had been released during my absence. I've always been a fan of the 109, and the amount of new 109 releases is mind boggling. My question is, how many varients of the 109 were there, and can you model them all in 32nd scale? What is the difference between the "BF" and "ME" designations? I would like to model an "A" version and the last (whatever that one might be) version to do a comparison of how far they came during their production life. I've always wanted to do that but I'm not sure if it can be done in 32nd scale.. I know there are a ton of 109 Gurus here, and I'm hoping everyone will chime in and educate me on the 109. Thanks, Cheers, Ian
  17. Johan, Great work! Did you make your own decals? I would like to conversion to do one of these... Cheers, Ian
  18. Love the weathering!!
  19. Johann, Excellent build on the 162. I just picked up the same kit. Did you use RLM 66 on the interior? The instructions call for Staubgrau (dust grey), but I'm not familiar with that color Cheers, Ian
  20. Alex, Wow, I have no idea where you live, but I wish we could get together so you could show me how you can make plastic look like wood! Styrene Alchemy Museum quality..... Wow, Cheers, Ian
  21. Wow, That sucks!! My granddaughters are 6 years and 14 mos, I have no idea if I could handle news like that..... Hang in there....
  22. Wow, I take a two year break to play with trains, and all of a sudden, there are more 32nd scale kits out there of subjects I would NEVER have though we'd see in large scale Coolishness....... Cheers, Ian
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