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Everything posted by Rizzo

  1. Never heard of them either, but was looking for a Komet pilot just a few weeks ago and came up with nothing- so thanks for posting this link. Bought one myself, and it arrived just two days later, so good service from them too.
  2. Do you use Firefox? If you get noscript (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/noscript/) you can block the wingnutwings.com script temporarily. After that it's just a matter of clicking the picture you want (it will load as a new page not an overlay like before), then saving as usual (eg, right click on it> save image as)
  3. I think that's a great idea, and it should make a great display piece to have all that structural detail on show. It's really unlcear, from all the photos I've seen so far, what you actually get in the box though. If I got this I'd want to be able to fill in the starboard side of the fuselage with just the ribs and spars, so you can see all the detail but don't have that nasty blunt edge shown in the photos (which I think makes it look too much like a plastic model with one half left off).
  4. I'd much prefer the rivets to be added- for the exact reasons Nick gives above (I quite like the rivet detail myself, and would hate having to add it all in)
  5. Great review- thanks! I'm hoping they do a FAA version... wonder what the chances are?
  6. Seems to me like it's a lot of progress recently though? I have a 1/48 airfix version in the stash, but I'm waiting to see if this becomes available before I build it- I'd prefer a decent 1/32 kit if it's possible.
  7. Gator Glue does expand. It foams up as it dries because it's a wood glue (the foam is supposed to penetrate the wood grain and seal up gaps). Gator Grip is another type of glue completely. I know this because I tried to buy Gator Grip after reading recommendations and got the one that expands instead :P
  8. Awesome! Really convincing weathering too. Kind of restrained but without being too subtle either. Looks great.
  9. Well, it's not 1/32 (1/48), but Matt's review here made me buy it, so I'm posting anyway... just got a GWH Mig29, and wow is it good.
  10. I've just used some of these (the Ronny Bar ones) on the struts and fuselage of a WnW Pup, and they really are awesome. I wasn't really expecting them to be tough enough to work over the struts, but they did, after a few failed attempts.
  11. If I hadn't just finished the Model Airways Camel, I'd certainly be making a start on one of these kits as soon as I could. I'm hoping for the SE5a some time in the future. For anyone making one of these I'd have a look here: http://www.johnsshawaviation.co.uk/wordpress/sopwith-camel-f1-2/sopwith-camel-reconstruction/sopwith-camel-metalwork-parts/ The most noticeable inaccuracy in the kit is something the 1/8 kit had too- most of the frame that creates the outline of the wing surfaces (and tail) is depicted as wood in the kit, while the real thing uses metal tube there (usually painted black, but sometimes grey I think). Simple thing to change, but would make a huge difference to how it looks.
  12. They look great, nice work
  13. That looks awesome The wood looks perfect to me too
  14. Thanks for the review (I'm finding all the reviews on this site really useful btw- not the usual generic rubbish). Definitely one I'll have to get for the DH2, although probably mostly for the fun of making the thing (the kit parts looks like it would do just fine otherwise)
  15. Thanks for the comments! Paul, yep I did make the seat, although I used plastic tube that was too thick so it looks a bit bulky for a wicker seat. Grant, you didn't miss it, I totally forgot to mention the make of the kit It's from Model Airways : http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MA1030
  16. I was following this on the britmodeller forums. Great to see it finished- what an awesome model.
  17. Here's some of the work-in-progress pictures... 3dsMax design for the parts to be 3d printed (I made the wood frame first, then scanned it to make a template to work around): Here's the parts as I received them. Covered in this supporting wax stuff that smells of honey Later on I found that the resin this stuff is printed from warps horribly and is really brittle (as well as the rough finish). So I kind of hated working with it towards the end of the build. Maybe there's better alternatives out there though. I made my own PE sheet. First time I tried this, loved doing it too. And some of the scratch made cockpit parts. Some things in this kit (eg the engine) were ok, others (like the cockpit) were largely fictional so had to be all replaced. So, back to the Wingnut Wings kits for me now, and I'm still out of my depth because I suck so much at using my airbrush The finishes on the models I've seen posted here is really amazing, so I'll keep practicing, but got a long way to go there.
  18. I finished this one about a month ago now, after working on it for about 10 months. Which for me was way beyond my concentration span, but I managed to just about hang on in until it was (mostly) finished. It's very very different to the other kits I've made; the wood was great to work with, the metal parts not so much. If I'd known about the Hasegawa model, I'd have waited, and maybe combined the two kits. But as it was I needed to find another way to add things like the metal cowling that the kit omits, and replace the rather blobby metal parts for things like the rigging points. So I added 3d printed parts for the metal panels, and made a PE sheet for the rest. I was way out of my depth with this one, but learnt loads and had fun making it.
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