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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Great work Mike ! I hope you can make it to the deadline. As a general rule, I add 0.1 mm to the diameter of the holes in which a rod or tube is inserted. Albion Alloys are really precise, Evergreen not so much with tolerances in 0.05/0.1 mm area, but you just need a few hundreds of mm to throw you out of whack.

    Very brave to use a motor drill for bits  this small. They induce so much torque, a  few vibrations, plus some top weight that make it very difficult to hold the bit straight and not break it. I do all my drillings with small bits with hand-held pin-vises, going slwowly and not forcing the torque when I feel resistance, and even then I break bits regularly ...

    Your work is really looking good. I am not sure that a 1/32 kit would not have been simpler in the end than two 1/48 ones with accessories, but I am looking forward to see them completed anyway :popcorn:


    PS: good to read that, for once, Verlinden AM was the right size, and not oversized - which is the reason why I stopped buying them eons ago. Come ion Aires, if Verlinden can do it, so do you !

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  2. Fantastic, I won two kits ! 

    Thank you all for your generosity and a special Thank You to Ernie for organising the raffle and his generous gift of the A-20 ( which goes to me, ho ho ho )

    Scott, PM sent already.

    Gus, I have been bus- lazy recently and not took the time the write the full stash list. I sent you a PM with indications so that you can steer me to your preferred kit.


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  3. There are a lot of fantastic paper models of locomotives, but they are mostly in 1/25, or sometimes 1/38.

    I do not know what your diorama idea is, but if there is any « Rhubarb » idea, how about a forced perspective with a smaller scale train / loco ?


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  4. A miniature (literally) update. Need glasses ...


    A small update on the Quickie. Not much to show on the main assembly, as I fill, sand, spray, then re-fill, re)sand then re-spray, then re-re-fill, etc. The orihinal is a very clean and neat airframe, and the kit cannt afford blemishes, especially as there is no weathering to hide the surface defects. So I am trying not to let any of those pass undtected.

    In the meantime, I work on teeny weeny details to be added. ON the video I posted, at about 40', ther is a view of the fuel gauge. It is an instresting mechanical contraption, and Brengun have totally missed adding it. Mine started as a piec of Albion Alloy 1.2 OD / 1.0 ID tube, that I filed for about its half, across a length of 6 mm. It was painted white outside and partially inside, then I inserted a rod made of strtched transparent sprue, and capped the whole with aScale Hardware 1.2 mm nut, that I file to reduce its height ... A sopics are worth a thousand words :

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    By suinting very hard, you can see the bottom of the transparent tube is slightly yellow (that is the brass tube showing through) whne the top is white. The tank is about 2/3 full with gasoline ...

    Then on to fitting my "pilot". I could not help but see the glasses Terry Crouch wore during the video. What a great - well no, small, very small - idea to add glasses to my pilot !

    After a few trials, this is what I produced bending some 0.2 nickel-silver rod for the frame, and flattened 0.3 mm copper wire for the branches :blink: :

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    Have a good look at this one, because it took a ballistic trajectory when I tried to fill the frame with some tinted Micro Kristal Clear ...

    I hope the one I have redone will not fly off in pursuit of her sibling who ended devoured by the floor monster :)



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  5. My first reaction was to say « Martlet » aka F4F-4 (for the Martlet 1, as the later marks were in fact FM-2s).

    But then I had a second thought: the Swordfish was used as ASW in the later years of WWII. You’ll want to use the Mk II for this, with bomb racks and sans torpedo. And the Trumpeter kit, based on the Tamiya 1/48, is definitely A-team.


    Edit PS : the Stringbags sank 14 U-boats … not bad for an outdated biplane.

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  6. 24 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    Thank you Chris, I don´t dare to open the body again, at least for now. I don´t know, if it is a kit flaw, or my doing, but it is impossible to fit all the components under the body shell. I can´t see any misalignments, but it´s the nature of these F1 cars, that there is a maximum of technology under a body as tiny as possible.

    Cheers Rob

    I think the body of a F1 is so thin that you cannot replicate it in scale without some compromises. Just like aircrafts which do not have a 30+ mm thick skin … And, of course, F1 are « dense » cars. No volume wasted, to minimise the frontal area and SCx. 


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  7. I realised that the pics I posted in this thread of my R-985 design were incomplete, without the cylinder heads. Of course the engine was designed with them. But the pics I had at the time were without them. Sorry about it.

    The design is detailed enough to support a rescaling to 1/24. If you have a 3D-printer, I can send you some files, of course for your own use only.


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  8. The fit issues of the front canopy are visible on your pics, John, but the whole looks pretty good nevertheless.

    I think you should get an award for getting through a build and kit that are definitely a challenge from the very first minute. There are not many modellers who can claim such an achievement.


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  9. My "Sandbox" GB entry is now finished, and I should resume work on other projects, and deal with a few  SOD queens waiting for me.

    The priority is of course to finish the Fisher 1/32 Cutlass.

    However, I thought I could show a little time-filling project I started when I was waiting for the putty on the wing-slats of the Cutlass to dry.

    When I saw, this one, I just fetched it in a split-second. It is typically in my area of predilection  : off-beat subject, civilian, and resin, to boot.

    So, Brengun has released kits of the Rutan Quickie in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scale. The Quickie is one of the many amazing brain-children of the creative Burt Rutan, conceived in the mid 70's.

    It features many of the pet-ideas of Burt Rutan : light weight, canard or staggered wing configuration, amateur construction, inexpensive to build, power, and run. In typical Rutan fashion, the Quickie is powered by a stock Onan engine, probably well known to US owners of houses, as my understanding is this engine was primarily conceived to power small lawn-mowing tractors, delivering between 18 and 22 hp acoording to the versions; On this engine, the Quickie can cruise at some 125+ mph, a testament to the fine aerodynamics and light weight of Rutan products.

    The Brengun kit is a typical resin kit, in a diminutive box - at least for a 1/32 builder-

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    Inside the box, a few resin parts, a vac-formed canopy, a small PE fret, an acetate film for the IP instruments, and a small decal sheet. About 30 parts overall, so it should be fairly quick, as befits its name ...

    Unfortunately, the bottom of the fuselage is marred by dozens of those pesky pinholes you find on resin kits which have not been pressure-cast. And you know what the issue is: when you fill and sand some pinholes, you reveal new ones :wallbash: :poo:

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    Any way, this is where I stood last Saturday :

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    You can notice on the pics that I have scratched a new back for the instrument panel. Brengun's kit is based on the Quickie built by a gentleman colled Terry Crouch, from Indiana, who received an award by the EAA at Oskosh in 1995 for the quality of his Quickie build. One characteristic of Terry Crouch's Quickie is the overall neat construction, and it shows also on the back of the IP. Check this videao at about 40' to see what I mean

    Brengun's resin part for the back of the Ip was just not neat enough to emulate Mr Crouch's work so I did a new one.

    After a first layer of primer, still some pinholes to fill on the bottom fuselage ...

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    But this is where I am at tonight. The seat has been reclad with some Evergreen strips, and painted. An additional layer of blue is needed to blend the colors of the seat. The detail parts have been painted as well

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    The instrument panel has been painted and wired ... You may notice the switches on the left of the PE IP, done with 0.2 mm nickel silbver rod, and inserted in the holes I drilled for them ...

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    The main components have been primed and sanded a few times already, the vacformed canopy cut, trimmed to fit, masked and painted

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    And in the meantime, I have been working on my "Terry Crouch" figure. It is in fact an absolutely fantastic figure from Reedoak, of a "civilian pilot". Here is my current wip of the Quickie pilot. I had great fun painting the Hawaian shirt :)

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    TBC, and hopefully finished before the year end.


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  10. Nice progress, Carl. FYI, the paint job of the Wright R-1820 was pretty standardised:

    - grey reduction gear crankcase

    - NMF cylinders. I believe they were made of steel (but maybe not on the late marks as used on the Seahawk) and the top of the cylinders showed heat discoloration.

    - aluminium cylinders heads

    - enameled black baffles.


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