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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×


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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. 12 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    Found this nice picture showing the ignition coil lead and all the mysterious  wires :)



    Yes, I found others as well, because I was inrigued. So the two outside protrusions are for the ingnition wires, one for each cylinder. The center one was linked to another device (some kind of coil ?) either on the front, as in Martin's pic, or at the back of the engine, to a similar device.


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  2. 3 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Today feels like Christmas in May.
    I was lucky enough to score one of the only 200 Model Factory Hiro 1/12 kits of The Williams FW16 Special edition. Sale started at 07:00 pm JST on May 07 and a quarter of an hour later, there was a massage, all were sold. What a relieve, to receive an email some hours later, that my request was successful.
    MFH released that kit some years ago, but revised a lot of parts for this edition. Decals are Cartograph printed now and include the bubu sponsor decals hidden in a separate envelope. Now there are three sheets of carbon decals (formerly one) and some of the resin parts were revised, where the carbon structure was casted on. Also with this release, the complete engine is made from white metal parts, no resin parts, like in the former release. MFH added masking templates and a 1/12 resin figure of a standing Ayrton Senna and beautifully etched nameplate.



    Not as spectacular, but nonetheless very welcome were a lot of decal sets for different WWI projects.

    For my soon to start in between build of the Meng 1/24 Fokker DR.I I added Aviattics Joseph Jacobs livery. Sidenote, not all DR.I were red :D.


    But my WNW Le Rhone Camel will be red with this set of Aviattic decals


    I also added etched bracing wire for testing with the Camel and fitting resin bracing clamps from AIMS and British Roundels for different WNW kits, because I often read, the kit supplied decals for the roundels are prone to tear.


    Some HGW plywood for my Albatros D.VII. This is a new edition and I hope they work well. I have not the best experiences with HGW decals to say the least. If they fail, it´s oil colors.


    Lastly some lozenge for my 1/72 Eduard Fokkers, also a nice in between build and Aviattics interpretation of lozenge schemes looks so much superior to the Eduard kit decals.


    Not shown, two sheets of Aviattic French linen decal for my Copper State Caudron G.III.

    Cheers Rob

    Glad the massage proved successful, Rob 😉🤣


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  3. 16 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    interest documentary



    2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Thanks for posting. best said - what a beast and while looking mighty cool - one terrible airplane.:rtfm::thumbsdown:


    Interesting, but a typical « TV show » video. Whilst repeating ad nauseam the same pieces of video, mixing the images of the F7U-1 and F7U-3 when commenting on either the -1 or the -3, it is also taking a totally biased view that there was nothing good in the Cutlass.

    It was plagued by poor Westinghouse engines, of insufficient thrust. Remember that the Skyray, the Demon, the Skywarrior were also nearly axed because of their inadequate Westinghouse engines, only they could be re-engined with the J-57, when the Cutlass’ airframe could not …

    It was also let down by its ambitious high-pressure hydraulic system, when manufacturing capacities were not yet able to produce the hardware. But all the issues of the hydraulic system led to improvements which served ALL the next generation airframes to this day.

    As for the « post-gyration » stall, or inertia coupling, or « Dutch roll », all new high-performance fighters of that time experienced these new aerodynamic phenomena to a higher or lesser degree. It nearly stopped the F-100, before developments ended making it the successful airframe it became.

    The Cutlass was an agile, and very sturdy aircraft when its engines and hydraulics let it fly long enough, and not a bad airframe at all.

    Its real design drawback was the inordinately long front landing gear leg, which was not up to the task of withstanding the stress of the carrier landings, and would, after some time, fail and trigger the ejection seat, which was not a « zero-zero » design, to the unfortunate surprise of its pilot. But then the front LG design was the result of the poor engines, and therefore Vought engineers had to increase the take-off incidence angle.

     Vought tried to bite a big bone at the time, and it proved too much for the contemporary advancement of aircraft industry. But Westinghouse were holding the shovel that dug its grave.



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  4. The first released batch. Anything older than this one, and you’re safe. I would venture that any one in a LHS or online is a « safe » one. If on auction sites, just check the manufacturing date …


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  5. One piece of advice - which seemed blindingly obvious with hindsight - I read from Marion Ball, one of the GREAT figure painters of the time, is that the eyes of real people are rarely fully open, and always partially covered by eyelids. Hard to paint, but it makes all the difference when you succeed in representing it …

    Worth a try on your moustached mechanic ?


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  6. Great Progress Scott. I stumbled upon the same fit issue. Only I decided to remove the bleed fis and add new ones. I am probably trying to chew more than my bite, as I decided then it would be a good idea to represent the bleed fins in full, from the  horizontal inlet on the side of the fuselage to the exhaust on top. They are IRL continuous and "S" shaped. Only then do I have issues with the compound shape of the fuselage ... This is where I stood when I moved house and then got plenty of life prioroties to keep me off continuing on this one, for the time being :(


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  7. Two words of advice Scott:

    1) The first critical fit issue in  the kit is the junction of the top and bottom fuses at the rear of the wings

    . Besides adding pressure, mine were not great and required a significant amount of filler, and rescribing

    2) Second issue is the fit of the front fuselage and intakes. Mine require a 1.5 mm strip each side to ensure a flush fit between the fuse and intakes. And the vanes for the boundary layer exhaust are continuous between the intake wall and the front fuselage ... In theory they are "S" shaped from the face entry to the exit on the top fuselage.

    3) Just remember that the "cross" of the engine faces should be vertical. I forgot about it, and although barely visible, I know I got it wrong, and that upsets me no end :brickwall: !



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  8. 9 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

    Nothing.  Absolutely nothing on the bench.  



    Just finished cleaning up after the He 111.  Now it’s decision time.  


    Me 262?

    A surprise from the stash??  Been itching to do that A-7D Corsair with the Zacto correction. Or the Crusader….hmmmmm…

    My vote is for Vought !


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  9. 23 minutes ago, Landlubber Mike said:

    That's great news Peter!  Glad it turned out that way.  

    Do we get a picture of you in a nurse's cap?

    Since you asked, here is one, in exclusivity 🤫




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