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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. This is one of my (few) builds. And it is actually the last one I completed ... in 2016 :(

    The kit is an old Air Craft vacuform that I fetched on eBay some 10 years ago. It is a very good kit of a rare bird : the Nieuport Sesquiplan, which beat the world speed record in 1921, being the first aircraft to fly above the "magic" (at that time) 200 mph threshold.

    Although a vacform, this is a very good kit, having been formed in female molds, with precisely-formed parts and a great fit overall.

    The actual informations about the subject are few and sparse, so I had to use plausible guesses when I wanted to go to town on detailing the cokpit. All of this for the glory of the sport, as not much can be seen in the diminutive cockpit opening (14 mm dia).

    The prop was hand-carved in laminated wood (not as daunting as you imagine) and the markings are either home-made decals or custom masks drawn and cut on my Silhouette cutter.

    Finally, I was inspired by a pic in "The Speed Seekers" book, so tried to emulate this pic with a modified Preiser 1/32 figure to represent its pilot Sadi Lecointe, who was one of the great post-war « flying knights » heroes of the time, at least in France.

    I hope you will like it.








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  2. 3 hours ago, Martinnfb said:



    Well that this one was banned is understandable ...

    That the ad agency creative team had one rail too many before they came up with this is also understandable (not to say normal) ...

    But what I don’t understand is that someone in the Ford marketing team 1) agreed on the synopsis, 2) agreed to pay for the film, and 3) agreed on the finished film ... This is more than one rail too many ...:(


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  3. On 10/27/2018 at 7:34 PM, BlrwestSiR said:

    Even though there's a postal strike here in Canada, these arrived o e the last couple of days. 

    First up is the last big gunned Sherman tank.


    I got this for a good price so i was happy.


    Another one for Ernie...


    Lastly, with the possibility of a Privateer conversion coming out for the forthcoming HB B-24J, I thought this would be a good primer.



    How good is the « Canadian Pofile » book on the Canuck ? Have you any pics of the inside pages you could share ?


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  4. 9 hours ago, Sir Desmond Glazebrook said:

    Hi Hubert.

    Thank you.

    Sir Desmond Glazebrook. :)

    I did wonder where everyone went. Glad to have found many of my friends. 

    I’ll send you a PM when I’m back home in Portugal. I don’t want to pollute this site with expressions of what I am feeling about what’s going on over there ...

    Take care, mate.


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  5. 10 hours ago, [CAT]CplSlade said:

    You don't see a lot of financial sector humor.

    You mean ... you did not see the humour of the last 12 years, best summed up as «  We get all the big fat bonuses, and you loose your house, your savings, and your government is baling us out, many times and increasing taxes in consequence ( but we bought a new Porsche, a new Rolex, and a new house in Rhode Island) »

    Too bad, this was so funny, we are running in a new sequel, soon and fast :angry:


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  6. +1 for Tamiya rattle can primers, which can be decanted for airbrushing if need be.

    I have never seen a black one, and don’t believe there is any, but, on the other hand there is a pink one which is great under red or yellow paint ...


    PS: in all honesty, though, I have not (yet) tried other brands of primer. My output is just too low for that ...

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  7. Will follow this one with interest.

    As for the comments on another forum, it is fascinating to watch mob phenomena. Since the annoucement of the WnW release in one year (or more) from now, comments about the HK kit have evolved from enthusiasm to bad-faith trashing. I suppose it is human nature to judge comparatively (and in this case, the comparison is between real stuff vs 3D renderings) rather than in absolute terms the merits of products :unsure:.

    Anyway, from your review pics and considering your talent, I am sure your end result will be outstanding :thumbsup2:


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