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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Not exactly in your budget - more like 300 $, although there may be some good promotions for it around Christmas - , but the Silhouette Cameo is a versatile tool, and good for most modelling uses.

    Alternatively, the Curio has some nice additional features, like a second head, the capacity to cut thicker material like thin plastic sheet, and even an embossing feature (rivets lines anyone ?). Its downside is that it is limited in size (roughly to an A4 format) when the Cameo has theoretically unlimited length for 30cms width.

    Whichever you choose, I strongly recommend the « Pro » software option. Whereas the embedded basic software can do what you want, the « Pro » option allows to import vector files drawn under another software. A nice feature, even with the basic software, is the vectorising capacity, starting from a pixelated image, like a .jpeg pic.



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  2. Although hand-carving your own wooden propeller from laminated veneer is not as dauting as it appears, these ones are really nice and, like all AM, make improving a kit so much easier than a home-made solution.

    I, for one, am waiting for my order from Proper Plane. It’s a « package » for my Junkers D-1, with the prop shown here and a Rexx exhaust :piliot:


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  3. On 11/30/2018 at 4:40 AM, Clunkmeister said:

    Smitty, I’m well past 50 and certain parts of my body don’t respond as they nice did.  So I hopped about on my right leg while holding my left leg as straight out as I could, for as long as I could.  I expect that visual gets the point across!

    Hat book is one seriously good reference, but no real three views...

    1) I have the book also, although I paid slightly more than 25 CDN ...

    2) I must have somewhere some 5-view drawings from Aviation Week, of all the versions on top of it. No telling how (if any) accurate these are however :)


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  4. 56 minutes ago, Maxim said:

    I was referring to the kit overall. Not saying it's not a nice kit and years ahead of the Hasegawa kit but getting the decals incorrect, panel lines incorrect etc is a sign of bad research or rushing the kit out the door.  Trumpeter are another culprit for this as well and usually worse though they do have some beautiful kits like the Avenger etc.  No kit is ever correct and that's why we are modellers.

    Considering that they announced the TBD in 2006, and we are still waiting for it, I would say Trumpeter are not rushing their releases ... :D

    Just my :2c:


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  5. One other word of warning. Unfortunately, there are many issues with the Trumeter kit, like the too short fuselage, the too wide windscreen and canopy, which also implies a too wide dorsal spine, the too wide ventral tank, the too pinched rear fuselage at the level of the exhausts. You can decide to live with most of these, but one you will stumble on, and cannot avoid adressing, is the 5 mm gap between the intake ring and the intake pipes under the cockpit. 

    The good news is that, if you move forward the whole pipes to avoid the gap with the front ring, you will also correct the wrong position of the nose ger compartment, which is too far back on the kit. You will just need to check the fit with the cockpit tub above ...


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