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Posts posted by HubertB

  1. Cool project. I will be following along.

    if I may, the one AM you DO NOT need is the SAC gear. It will be as wrong as the kit’s one, being copied on it ( the MLG legs of the kit are too long by a few mm, making the stance of the aircraft wrong), and less durable in the long run. This is a kit where I’d really be worried to use the #% »/!& soft SAC stuff, made of the worst grade of crapium ...


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  2. 28 minutes ago, Bomber_County said:

    So the dilemma will be a Gustav by Papa Tamiya or ZM........which would you build........I know some of you guys will say both..........

    And some will say .... none ! :rolleyes:

    Hubert ( who predicted a few years ago on LSP that the next Tamiya 1/32 will be a 109 G-6. Where is a «  yawn » emoticon when you need one ?)

    • Like 4
  3. On 11/22/2018 at 4:46 PM, HubertB said:

    Ok. I’ll be giving either a Revell Beaufighter (with a bit of a tattered box, but inside is ok) or a Trumpeter Bearcat. The winner picks his preferred choice.


    I did an internal check of the Beaufighter boxes (because I have two boxes, and had not dwelved into them for a long time). Here is the deal. I will give in this raffle only one of the following three boxes, and the winner will pick its preferred prize :

    1) Revell 1/32 Beaufighter. The box actually containes two complete Beaufighter kits. Box in bad external shape.

    2) Revell Lodela 1/32 Beaufighter. The box contains, on top the kit parts, the parts to convert the original  kit to a torpedo version, including vacformed new nose, new transparencies, tailplanes with dihedral, torpedo, etc., plus resin porcupine engine exhausts and Paragon rockets with rails. The box says there is a PE fret for detailing the cockpit, but this part is missing inside. Box is also in bad shape outside (this #ù!§%% flimsy cardboard Revell uses !)

    3) Trumpeter's F8F-2 Bearcat kit


    • Like 8
  4. How about a reverse speed record ?

    I have on the SoD an Aichi Hansa, a licence-built Japanese version of the HB W-29, engined with an Hispano V8, that I started scratchbuilding BEFORE WnW ever existed, some 10 years ago ... Ditto for a Planet model Bü-131, that I started at about the same time ... :brickwall:For my defense about the Bücker, the wings stopped me in my tracks, as they have a wrong backward sweep (not enough). That’s my excuse anyway :rolleyes: . And now, ICM have come with an IM one :D

    But I intend to finish this Hansa, at least ...


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  5. Having participated and been a donor in the previous raffles on LSP, may I add two comments ?

    1) We most likely all have too many kits in our respective stashes, so giving a kit away seems the right thing to do, but current   postal rates can sometimes make a « free » donation expensive ...

    2) Don’t forget a simple « thank you » when you receive something. I was somewhat pissed that a beneficiary of a kit I donated and sent did not even bother to send a thanking PM ;)


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  6. 48 minutes ago, Wingco57 said:

    Hubert I know,

    I still have plans for scratchbuilding a Handley Page Hampden ( I like HP's can you tell?)


    Please do, Cees ... I’ll wait for the IM kit that should come close on the heels of your almost finished scratchbuilt effort.

    And I see you have come to the conclusion (like me) that the ID Models / Tigger vac is just a total waste of good money...

    You may remember that I turned a master for a correct diameter engine cowling, that I sent to John Wilkes after I molded a few for my own use. He never thanked me, nor made anything out of it. Thankfully, Alex ( AlexM on LSP) has since designed a printable cowling, as a few other things like the landing gear, and is generous in sharing his files.


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  7. On the other hand, as one who started a scratchbuilt Aichi Hansa ( a Japanese version of the W. 29 with a Hispano engine) BEFORE WnW released their W. 29 kit, and still has it waiting for completion long AFTER WnW’s same W. 29 went OOP, my advice would be to keep what you have done so far, just in case ;) 

    Now, I will reiterate my other advice to start a scratchbuilt B-58. I will check whether Sir Peter has any interest in doing a film with a Hustler in a key role :D


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  8. 36 minutes ago, hoisin said:

    The point here is to help Paul in these dark hours, NOT to settle your personal differences with Kevin or LSP.

    Kevin Futter happened to be the first to settle that foundation to help Paul. You can send money to Paul Fisher via that foundation or else create your own.

    Some guys really need to grow up.


    Quang AKA hoisin (got stuck with the stupid nickname when I first signed up some years ago)

    Agreed. Paul is a nice guy and deserves help form friends, whichever way this is organised, in times where he is facing tremendous difficulties for the immediate future.

    This said, and this is meant only as a friendly piece of advice, for your first post, you could have dispensed with the judgemental comment on "growing up", which did not bring anything to the value of your post ;)

    And, btw, welcome here !


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  9. 22 hours ago, HubertB said:

    Spectacular news !

    And then there is the surprise by WnW tomorrow :rolleyes:


    Well it seems the new WnW will be the HP 0/400 ... We have a collective thank you to adress to Cees for starting and reviving  his scratchbuilt kit ... What’s your next scratch project, Cees ? Can we steer you in the right direction ? I, for one, would love you to start a B-58 :D


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  10. Impressive model. The nose shape looks Ok now, and the tires have a rounder profile than initial pics showed.

    On the postive side, the detailing and surface detail looks oustanding. On the negative side, the whole area around the wing roots/engine nacelles looks to have a not-so-great fit ... and the price tag (with VAT, as it is an European company retailing in a (still)European country, of 600 GBP hurts somewhat :wacko: ...

    Still waiting for a fuselage with passenger doors and not cargo doors ...


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