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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 14 hours ago, DocRob said:

    Looks like a display made by Vlad the Impaler :D, but great progress on the other hand. Faces are looking good, I definitely have to try some myself. Are you planning to matte coat the cloth?

    Cheers Rob

    I will definitely matte the hell out of it.  Clothing is no place to shine.  Unless you've wearing sequins.

    • Like 3
    • Haha 3
  2. 13 hours ago, DocRob said:

    There are lots of kits out there with segmented length and link tracks. Don't build tanks, when you are not willing to put decent tracks together, not these rubber bands :2c:.

    I didn't mean you by that Gaz, just a general rant into the direction of these comic social media nuts.

    Cheers Rob

    No problem, Rob.  As for me, I've gotten to the point where I want the option of making the suspension going over obstacles and such just add a little interest.  This is one area where link-and-length fails.

    • Like 2
  3. Hi Everyone,

        In my narrative...   the tank hasn't been there very long.  Certainly not since before the last rain.  Some of the reasons for this are:  a.  I wanted to make ashes.  They never survive a stiff breeze.  b.  I didn't want to have to turn it into a total rust bucket.  That wouldn't fit with reason (a).  c.  I wanted the earth around the tank to still show signs of fire damage.

        So, with an eye to that, I've used whitish paint on the road wheels which had previously had rubber tires.  Black paint to show extreme burning and soot from smoke....   and browns to show areas affected by heat. 

        But this is where it gets fuzzy and I begin to lose direction.  I still have room for a fine patina of rust on the tracks.  But I've never really seen any decent images of a freshly scorched tank in color.  Even when I was in Desert Storm, the toasted Iraqi tanks had been there for a while.  So...   if anyone has any ideas...  or pics of freshly destroyed tanks...  I'd love to hear or see them.

    Here are current progress pics:





    Thanks for looking!

    ...  and happy modelling!

    • Like 4
  4. G'day ladies and gents,

         Today's modelling was shortened by the need to replace my pool pump.  The bearings had gotten so noisy that I had to disconnect the timer, and run the thing during full daylight hours.  I didn't want to become the a[hole of the neighborhood.


    So, today I got onto the faces and uniforms.  Pic's are captioned...   well...  most of them, anyway.







    • Like 6
  5. My most recent acquisition.  Made the mistake of telling a friend it was one of the last few on my must-have list.  So, he showed up at our club meet with one the following month.  I got it for an I-O-U of half it's current retail value.


    I'll have to put Zimmerit on it...   but that's a piece of cake.

    • Like 8
  6. 19 hours ago, DocRob said:

    The Marder is coming together nicely Gaz. I'd say, that adding a darker dust color in places might be a good idea.

    Cheers Rob


    12 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Thank you for the close ups on painting the faces ... absolutely your gentle touch worked very well. The light weathering on the Marder looks very effective and when  I look closely, I can see the dot filters. My kind of weathering for sure.

    Keep 'em comin



    11 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Copy Peter, Gary: Weathering looks spot on to me! 

    Thank you, fellas!

    • Like 4
  7. 12 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Yikes, that sure is a lot of shades of color but it worked very well. On the images I can also see the dot filters, which work so very well.

    Keep 'em comin


    Thank you, Peter.  It's really only four colors used for the pin wash.  Black, Green, brown, and yellow ochre.  I don't like to use base colors for the dot filter as they do things I don't like.  Especially white and yellow.

    11 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great camo Gary. Looks quite convincing to me! 

    Thank you, Kai!

    • Like 3
  8. On 11/3/2021 at 7:13 PM, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great start on the figures Gary. Tonal variety for the helmets is a good idea!

    Milliput is really great to work with. And you can get it in different colors.

    Curious for your next steps!


    On 11/3/2021 at 7:29 PM, DocRob said:

    Some good thinking on hollowing the sleeves and slight color variations on multi person displays, I like your approach, Gaz. I will follow your face painting clinic with interest, as I suck in this area, which often keeps me from finishing planned dios with figures.

    Cheers Rob


    On 11/3/2021 at 10:09 PM, Peterpools said:


    Nice start on the figures and greatly appreciate your comments and how to do’s. Please keep going slow with tiny steps as there is so much learn!

    Keep ‘em comin



    On 11/3/2021 at 11:48 PM, harv said:

    Nice !!.....harv :popcorn:

    Thank you for the kind sentiments, my friends.

    After a week of very minor steps, I got a fair bit done today.  The pics are captioned sparing further explanation.










    As always...   my text editor needs to be sacked.




    Sheesh...   was I drunk when I did this?  Sadly...  I have no such excuse.



    Happy modelling!


    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  9. Hello comrades,

          Let's see if I can remember what I've done....   After painting it with J.A. Gray, I used a very thinned feldgrau around all of the edges and details.  Then I sprayed it with a few very thin layers of JA Gray mixed with Feldgrau.  After that I did a pinwash in black and green oils mixed with a little brown.  Then finally...   today I did a dot filter.  Here are some shots.






    • Like 7
    • Thanks 1
  10. This is a wide known problem, Rob.  I have only had one kit with the DS tracks and I  painted/weathered them with aqueous acrylics. I did this because I have heard of horror stories when ppl have used regular solvent based paints and weathering materials on them.  Sadly, the aqueous acrylics just weren't very durable and wore off in places while handling the model during the final stages of building.  Eventually the kit found it's way into the trash though the tracks were still supple.

    So, I just avoid kits with DS tracks, now.  Incidentally, I have a set of Fruils that move from Tiger to Tiger as I build a new one and round-file the old one.  I do have a Dragon E with those wheel well inserts.  I dread to see them when I build the kit.

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