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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 19 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    If you'd like to go subtle on the weathering, you are on the right way, Gaz. Chipping is barely visible on the hull and I think, the result of the pin wash, doesn't look too prominent. To me, the scale reduction by 35 needs a bit of 'overscale' pronounciacion to look right.

    All in all your Marder looks great, but I've never seen tracks so clean on a used tank.

    Cheers Rob

    Thanks Rob.  A long way to go on the tracks.  Still some touches to do on the Panzer Jager itself.

    • Like 2
  2. Mild chipping and...   My first time doing all of the pin washes with enamels.  Not sure if I'm pleased or not.  They certainly don't flow as well as oils...   but dry a lot faster.





    The details pop a little more...  Not sure how much weathering to do, really.  Maybe a little dust and dirt.  Maybe some rain marks.  But nothing too drastic.



    • Like 7
  3. 19 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    You’re off to a great start and thanks for the explanation - now I finally got it. Right with Kai and Rob and will be following with great interest.

    I do like and appreciate your new style of presentation - easily to follow and appreciate the work.

    Keep ‘em comin



    7 hours ago, Bomber_County said:

    Gaz, I remember this one, great to see it again….

    Thank you, Fellas!

    • Like 3
  4. 6 hours ago, joeg said:

    Dear Gaz, the whole scene looks very convincing and the chair gives some extra attraction to the whole appearance. There are some pics around showing Weyroster "relaxing" in that chair. The finish on the 109 is very even and exact executed especially the zig-zag patteron on the wings. What kit did you use for the 109.. I only had troubles with the different pitch of the prop blades as this seemed to be exaggerated, even for variable pitch, but maybe that is due to my kink in vision....or did I miss that detail on the referrence pics?


    Regards Joachim


         Thank you.  Before this build, I never really gave the propeller pitch much thought.  I really just tried to make all three even.  The kit is the Revell 109G6.  I may try to g=fix it later.  I don;t know how well the CA would hold.  If you want to see the complete build thread, it is here;



    • Like 3
  5. 38 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Great start Gary! Will follow this closely like all your builds.

    Thank you, Kai!

    4 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    He He, seems, I got it right, because I haven't seen the first threads section :D. A build thread, great. I will follow, as I browsed my Russian armor stash recently and found some intriguing boxes. I bought some nice Russian figures three days ago, to accompany the tanks, so maybe this will be one of my next builds.
    I really like your scratch work Gaz, but what's the idea behind? Why did you strip the rubber off the rims. You mentioned ash, will this be a burned out tank? 
    What's the meaning behind the Cyrillic title, which translates to Frankentank? So many questions :lol:.

    Cheers Rob

    Hi Rob,

         Thank you!  The Cyrillic was just to grab attention...   we have so many Russian speakers here, it seems.  Frankentank...   the reference to Frankenstein is a common American way to  describe something cobbled together from parts that don;t really belong.   ...because it's part Dragon and part Tamiya.  And yes...  it will be burned out.  Some hatches open of course.   It's to be a companion of the Marder IID.  It was that, or try to build an isba.  Due to the 5 months spent on the 109 I feel like my model-completion count is low.  So, I decided on the tank. 

    Anyway...   it'll be my second destroyed tank...   the other was this Valentine:


    Anyway...   I hope you like it.

    • Like 5
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  6. Somehow...   I started this in the wrong section.  Must have been the bourbon.  My apologies.

    Anyway...   Here is the recap from the first post.

    A few years back....

        ...before I knew about LSM, I think...

               ... I built this prancing pony after being inspired by a scene in the movie Cross of Iron.  It was made from two kits...   the turret was Tamiya.   the hull and mobile suspension was Dragon.  To get the right feel to the tracks, I used resin tracks by somebody or another.



    ...  The name on the Turret is "Suvarov".

    So now I find myself with a Dragon turret, magic tracks, and other parts...    And a Tamiya hull and other parts...


    ...and I saved all of the directions...


    ...  anyway...   it might be fun.

    Thank you to all of you who replied to the other thread.

    • Like 2
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  7. I applied a honey colored filter to blend the three colors a bit.   Added the final pieces and decals today...   though the four main assemblies are still only dry fitted.  Not sure How I'll squeeze the crew in.  Probably will have to put them in boiling water.  I'll do some light surface chipping before I hit it with washes.






    • Like 8
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  8. A few years back....

        ...before I knew about LSM, I think...

               ... I built this prancing pony after being inspired by a scene in the movie Cross of Iron.  It was made from two kits...   the turret was Tamiya.   the hull and mobile suspension was Dragon.  To get the right feel to the tracks, I used resin tracks by somebody or another.



    ...  The name on the Turret is "Suvarov".

    So now I find myself with a Dragon turret, magic tracks, and other parts...    And a Tamiya hull and other parts...


    ...and I saved all of the directions...


    ...  anyway...   it might be fun.



    • Like 6
  9. 14 hours ago, harv said:

    :respect:Very well done sir. You are hard pressed to find even the smallest flaw here. Everything is so well done.....harv

    Thank you, Harv!

    11 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

    Amaizing !

    Thank you, Martin!

    10 hours ago, JohnB said:

    Outstanding work Gaz! That is a great looking '109 and I particularly like the pilot figure. Nicely done!

    Thank you, John!

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