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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 18 minutes ago, Wumm said:

    Lovely work Gaz,

    Well worth the many weeks of hard graft to get to this result. Your figure painting skills are improving as well.



    Thank you, Steve.  I hope to do every build with at least one figure...   so improvement will always be required.

    3 minutes ago, DocRob said:

    In the end, you will forget about the hardness the kit threw at you for five month and you'll see a result, to be proud of, Gaz. Beside the lovely detail work with the parachute and the recliner chair, I especially like the paint- and decal job, as it looks like tattooed on, with no unwanted reflections and exactly the right matteness.

    Cheers Rob

    Thank you, Rob.  I appreciate your thoughts.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 hour ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    Stunning model and presentation Gary. After all the challenges on the way you managed to build an impressive model. The camouflage is one of the best I’ve ever seen. German „Flecktarnung“ isn‘t easy to replicate and yours is simply perfect.

    I also like the presentation very much. Your chair is amazing (thanks for the 2 examples for me) as is the parachute and Gottfried.

    What will be your next aircraft project?

    Your friend 



    Thank you, Kai!  The motivation provided by you and other friends helped me get through to the end.  Not really sure about my next air project.  I'll have to think on it.



    • Like 4
  3. On 10/19/2021 at 11:15 PM, GusMac said:

    Wouldn't disagree that Tamiya is the most robust finish I've worked with, although on the short experience to date the AK Real Colours seem similar. I just wish Tamiya would improve their range of colours as I suck as consistently mixing paints.


    I was only talking about using it as a primer here in case of needing to mask.  In this case, you also have the ability to choose your color of primer instead of being stuck with the usual red/grey/black/white....    Only white working particularly well under yellow.

    • Like 1
  4. 18 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    You found the key to modeling when a kit just fights back way too much, has errors galore and then the parachute and lawn chair additions. Time and a refreshed attitude on a project is the key plus seeing it every day, keeps it in the forefront.

    Your 109 looks fantastic, wearing her cammo and up on her legs.

    Keep 'em comin


    Thank you, Peter.  Working on the base today.  Dull-coated the upper half of the 109 too.

    • Like 1
  5. Welcome back, friends!

          I have to admit that this build defeated my mojo for a while.  The time involved, the things that were wrong with the kit, and other things that went wrong along the way contributed to a period of very little modelling.  But, I didn;t throw the kit away, though very tempted.  I didn't put it in a back room where it could be forgotten.  I put it where I could see it from my TV-watching chair with just a slight turning of the head.  I'd have to walk past it to get to the rest of the house, too.   Meanwhile I continued with another build and even started a third.  But eventually I got up the nerve to do things that needed doing. 

    I had to strip a layer of a filter that I added.  I won't go into details, but it involved a bit of wet sanding.  I also wasn't happy with the chair.  A little extra motivation was provided by a friend interested in furniture.  I had also built a mental barrier to weathering the parachute...  It just seemed like a lot to do for such a tiny addition to the model.

    I've decided to limit my weathering to what can be seen from the tops and sides of the build.  Messing with the undersides will just add more effort to things that will remain unseen.  The aircraft recieved a pinwash and probably won't get much more as I put a lot of effort into stressing and modulating the paint scheme.  Probably just some exhaust staining is yet to be done.P1014167.thumb.JPG.88099145c2f314952cac9515b74c55aa.JPG











    Thanks for looking!  Happy modelling!!

    Anyway...   here are some pre-captioned photos.   Heh...    and some with no caption at all. 


    • Like 8
    • Thanks 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Kaireckstadt said:

    I love this camo Gary. And it’s execution is done perfectly by you. The Marder is so nice because of all the details visible from the outside. Your detail work fully pays off here. 
    Didn’t know how tiny the Marder was.


    Thank you, Kai!  It's a great little kit, but like all armor needs company to give it scale.   Imagine sharing that space with four other men.  I imagine they stayed in reserve until needed so wouldn't always carry all of their equipment on the machine.  Anyway...there is tons more to do.

    • Like 2
  7. Hello again, everybody.  A bit of progress on the Marder.  With only a few detail parts to add on, I thought I'd show you how she looks partly painted...  and paired with a Tamiya Panther for size comparison.





    The track assembly with wheels is only dry fitted as is the gun and shield.  That leaves the seats, travel-lock, and periscopes left to go. 

    I'd like to have some storage, but I'm not really liking the idea of messing with it.  The main reason is the tarp latches.  In just a few minutes of adding parts, three of them came off.  I should have deepened the holes with a drill...   but didn't as I was afraid of going through....   with a touch of laziness thrown in.

    So, next time you see it, it should have it's three color scheme. 

    ...photo-etch and the fragility of CA really makes me leery of trying too much.


    Happy modelling!

    • Like 9
  8. 48 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:


    Alright...   this is the second recent movie where they control the plane into a controlled crash landing after losing half of it's wing.  Don't these dumbasses know that no aircraft can be controlled when that shit happens?? 

    • Haha 1
  9. On 10/13/2021 at 10:53 AM, Martinnfb said:

    I gave up under the pressure of historical facts and removed the outer cannons. The thing is, I forgot the combination of colours I used to mix the filter for the rest of the plane with. It’s still gonna be super awesome, but I’ll be more that happy to build 190 after I’m done with this pesky thing. 


    Some nice work there, Martin.

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