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Posts posted by GazzaS

  1. 2 hours ago, Wumm said:

    That's one point of view...

    Another is; that a Company operating out of China (where there is no Rule of Law as exists in the Western Hemisphere, and therefore no understanding of such) bought the moulds from the Company which holds them, without bothering to get authorisation from the Individual or Company that paid for the actual design of said moulds.

    The Company that holds the moulds may not have generated the original Intellectual Property. If Mr.Jackson holds the original designs and can show that he paid for same, then we may never see this kit sold in the Western Hemisphere.


    And we always like to assume that in China they just do whatever they want.  I don't know if that is really fair to them.  It's not like they can jet over to NZ and get the money PJ owes them.

  2. Base coat as applied.  I know...   you're saying way too light...   But I have been assured that 4BO is often portrayed too darkly in the modelling universe.  I have a lot of weathering to do...  So I've started as light as possible.  The color is Tamiya XF-14.  J.A. Gray.


    And the tracks I started with a light brown.  Usually I started with black.  But as the entire track and wheel assembles will ave been warmed by a diesel fire, I'll have to divert from my normal method.



    Not a bad looking vehicle...   even down on it's suspension.

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  3. 1 minute ago, DocRob said:

    Your little Marder looks really busy with the figures, which suits it very well. I always found it very difficult to put a figure into a crammed space in a believable pose. Your crew is looking convincingly good though.

    Cheers Rob

    Thank you, Rob!  It's all about having the right figures, really.  The two seated guys are gunners, one for a Marder III and the other for a Nashorn.  Their arms don't really fit doing anything.  But as this is just a second in time, their hands can be in transit to another position.  Their legs are serviceable, though I have had to shorten a foot and will add what I've removed to portray a flexed foot.

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  4. 16 hours ago, Peterpools said:


    Loads of intricate work on those figures with a mighty delicate hand and changing hats - yikes now that’s detailing to an incredible degree. Looking forward to the next update with more work gone on the figures.

    Keep ‘em comin



    Thank you, Peter!  I  hope not to dally on these figures too long.  But oils do demand at least an overnight dry of each color.

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