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About CrankyCrafstman

  • Birthday 10/31/1950

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  • Interests
    Modeling and fast cars

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  1. Dash looks spot on pal. She's looking good. Ron G
  2. Hey pal You know all you have to do is ask. I'm there for you pal. Ron G
  3. So, your going to try acrylic lacquers. I told you Tamiya acrylics are great to spray paint. If you use there lacquer thinner on there standard acrylics they spray fantastic. Tamiya doesn't brush paint the greatest, but it can be done. I usually use Vallejo for brush painting details. Model color is best for brush painting, it's thicker. Ron G
  4. Hey all Got more work done on the skidder. I made the front blade from peices of black and white styrene. 100% scratch built. Ron G
  5. Hey all More work done on the skidder. I have the cab pretty much done, build wise that is. The white square tubing are the covers for the front blade cylinders. The front is to the right. White tubes are the covers for the blade cylinders. The open area at the left is were the log grapple and cylinders for it will go. Ron G
  6. She's looking good Jeff. Keep going. Ron G
  7. Okay, so now your trying to out detail me! Ha ha ha, just messing with you pal. This will be another proper truck from the Master trucker. And you need to post more of your stuff.😎😂🤣 Ron G
  8. More than likely my friend. Ron G
  9. It's in the box along with the turret. And that's were It's going to stay. Ron G
  10. I'm not sure Jeff. I think I would like to make them the same, but that means custom decals and I don't have that ability right now. Ron G
  11. Hey all More work done on the skidder. View looking rearward of hull and tracks View of the bottom of the skidder. This is a partial mock up of the skidder. I cut the top of the tanks rear upper hull into peices and reassembled it into this. The engine cover for the skidder. Here's were I'm at with this build. There will be screened engine hatches on the sides and for the front radiator opening. I still have a lot of scratch building to do before this is finished. These are the engine access openings. Well that's it for now be back with more updates soon. Ron G
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