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About prinsjester

  • Birthday 12/10/1957

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  • Location
    Houten, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    Aircraft modelling WWI, WWII and the early jets. Sometimes for a change a tank or a ship, but mostly aircraft.
    Reading, computers, cooking, golf.

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  1. Hi Francisco, I am more of a fighter man and my choices are quite popular, but hey, I love those planes! 1. Fokker Dr I. 2. Sopwith Camel 3. Spad But I would love a big british Handley Page bomber or a Staaken too..... Greetz, Dries
  2. Hi all, since the above post I have, I must say, succesfully returned to modelling. I am currently working on a BF109 G6 in 1/24 scale. I have finished the engine and cockpit including the very fiddly harness and am satisfied. I can still do that and my hands can still do the work satisfactorily. I will post some pics soon. So when medical problems happen, it doesn't mean the end of a hobby!! I was practically paralyzed two years ago, but am back with a vengeance!! Greetings, Dries
  3. I have ordered two propellors with Doug, a Heine propellor for a Fokker DVIIF and a Voss propellor for an Albatros DVa. After a few weeks i received the propellors and I must say that I am absolutely astonished by the sheer beauty of those little propellors. I can only recommend Douglas's products!
  4. Hi all, I have read this topic and must confess that I am in the same postion. After two years of hospitals and carehomes I am home again. Next week I will have a space for my own to model again. I too have problems with my hands (shaking and cramps due to meds) but am detremined to build my WnW models. I will be starting a Fokker DVIIF first, build, paint and decal that one and see what difficulties I encounter. Building won't be like before my illness, but I am certain I will devise ways to get things the way I want them to be. I just wanted to support the point made by the author of this topic that building these planes can be hard but it is very satisfying especially if you're handicapped in a certain way. I'll post pics of my progress in the near future! Dries
  5. What an unbelievable beautiful model Jeroen! Another Masterpiece in the making so to say! Please let us know when the book comes out, so we all can buy a copy. I would like mine signed by the famous builder Jeroen Veen please! (lol)
  6. Hallo Jeroen, Leuk verslag met mooie foto's. Een aantal van de door jou gefotografeerde modellen waren mij ook opgevallen door hun klasse. Ik vond het een leuke beurs, had iets meer modellen verwacht. Druk was het zeker, soms even geen doorkomen aan (maar met een rolstoel is dat iets ingewikkelder). Toch was er genoeg te koop voor soms redelijke prijzen (goed zoeken en je prijzen uit de winkels kennen). Jammer dat we elkaar niet getroffen hebben, maar volgende keer beter! Toch nog een paar bekenden getroffen (o.a. Niels Dol van Flevo decals), was het ook nog gezellig! Groet, Dries
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