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  1. Hi Jeroen Excellent review! Just a note about the barrels. The 'aftermarket set' are a different form of barrel. The difference (which looks like better casting) is that the kit ones have flat springs and the separately purchased ones have rounded springs. So they are not meant to be a replacement, rather an alternative. I've started one of mine over on LSP (I assumed you guys would have been al over this kit by now so hadn't thought of posting here). It is going together nicely. As you hint at, the cockpit tubular framework is usable (though I've broken a couple of parts and replaced with metal tube). So far the bit I least like is the depiction of the front radiator matrix, which should be the same shape as the rear one. To that end I am 'doctoring' the whole radiator assembly to create myself a master for the subsequent Fly Hurricane releases. It's a fun kit. Not Tamiya - you have to keep on your toes and test fit and take care prepping the parts - but it's somewhat more rewarding in that sense as well. Matt
  2. Looks great. I like the contrast between the murky fuselage and the quite high vis wing camo and the RVD bands. Matt
  3. Rick Did you get much useful feedback on what went wrong with the HGW transfers? Like the look you've achieved with the mottling in the end... though even on the second attempt I see a possibly subconscious attempt to turn them into stars...(if you see what I mean)? I do like the effect that the black undercoat gives, it's weird as the truth would be the total opposite, that is paint would be applied to a metal surface. I suppose that's where the artistic side of all this comes in and I very much like the effect. Matt
  4. Rob MDC do Luftwaffe instrument decals that should do the job.... Airscale's stuff is correctly scaled from the original parts' dimensions - does go to show how the panels have to be 'shrunk' to fit into a 'pit with way overscale thickness fuselage skin. Nice work by the way. Matt
  5. Seat's the best part of the set and it does fill the pit with a nice non-shit-sit-upon.... Even their set simplifies the area behind the seat, but there aren't many images of the area on the net that I could find. If you want any photos of this area (I have a couple) then PM me. Thing with the Hunter is that it's sleek and simple. Take care with the whole engine intake, forward to rear fuselage and wing joins. If you take a while to dry fit and make some adjustments it will all go together quite nicely. I'd tell you more but it's been so long since I did this I've forgotten what I did.. I wish Revell had released the two seat tooling (they couldn't come to an agreement with the Echelon chap - as Revell had clearly copied his work)... oh well... Matt
  6. Hi Jim True Details do a reasonable upgrade 'pit at a good price. The seat is the best aspect. Flightpath do something complex and quite expensive.. lots of PE.. To be honest, I doubt it needs much more. The weakest part after the 'pit arethe main u/c bays which don't have any undercut (for obvious reasons) and are particularly un-prototypical where they meet fuselage. Nice kit.. you've done one haven't you...? Matt
  7. Hello Ted Very nice riveting. Something to bear in mind with your choice of scheme (if it bothers you) is that you have a riveted, therefore metal, tail and the NASM machine (and others) had a wooden tail (which is pretty smooth). Matt
  8. Scary detail in 1/72... I am impressed... Matt
  9. Ok, found a reference and it appears in the D-1/D-3 the cameras were behind the bomb bays So I suspect those marks are the covered windows. Matt
  10. Nice subject James Here's a litlte detail on how the aircraft got into British, then American hands: The airplane on display, a Ju 88D-1/Trop (later designated Ju 88D-3), is a long-range photographic reconnaissance version modified for tropical use. Known as the Baksheesh, it was the best known Ju 88 of the 15,000 built. Completed in June 1943, this aircraft was delivered to Romania, an ally of Germany during WWII. In July 1943, a disillusioned Romanian pilot flew the aircraft to Cyprus to defect to British forces there. The British Royal Air Force turned over Baksheesh to the U.S. Army Air Forces. After Wright Field test pilots flew the aircraft extensively, the USAAF stored it in the Arizona desert after the end of WWII. Shipped to the museum in January 1960, Baksheesh is painted in the Romanian Air Force markings it carried in July 1943. This is a photo recon machine and you'll need to add camera ports. I think these are still just visible in the underside view above. Just aft of the rear bomb bay (may not be their location as I thought the cameras were in the rear bomb bay.?). John from AIMS did a nice conversion and scratched up the camera area (doesn't produce it AFAIK) but here's a link to his work http://www.aimsmodels.co.uk/assets/images/db_images/db_Camera_set_up1.jpg This'll be an interesting variant in an even more interesting scheme. Matt
  11. Love it! How does the kit go together? Matt
  12. Not bad Ralph, for an old kit... see if you can get hold of the Airfix Fury - I recall it being a lot nicer than this old one. I think you're missing the tail skid as well.. Matt
  13. Thanks Johan Window gazing English good enough for me to understand what you're doing. Will this need a metal plate for the magnetic stand to secure itself to? These usually attach to the lathe mounting or a metal topped desk, but most of us have plain wood or plastic coated wood work surfaces... Look forward to seeing one of the reviews. Matt
  14. Like it a lot, especially the night scenes. The only thing I would add would be some sort of tie downs for the vehicles on the flatcar. Matt
  15. Johan What is it you're making? Some sort of assembly jig? Looks very precision made. Matt
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