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  1. it's a sad moment for you and family , you will miss her for sure , but you gave her a nice sweet live , remember this Alain
  2. got it this week my Project ... EAU - 9
  3. thank you Matin , it can't be more obvious !!!!!! 👍 well after my post , I did some " investigations " and I found these pictures ( we should have to check before drawing conclusions 😉) !!)..thank you for your input Alain
  4. thanks guys for now , I will paint the wheel wells , close the wings , and glue them to the fuselage .. then after , I will take care to the cowling ... I will let you know how things go .. stay tune cheers Alain
  5. hi gents here is what's currently on my bench : the " Tempest Mk 2 " from special hobby , an impressive stuff !! the instruction booklet itself can make you " scare " 🥶 , very , or too much complex ... well , the kit, although a " short run " is well detailed .... here are some photos in progress ( sorry , no pictures of the cockpit ( a kit into the kit ) now , the fuselage is closed , and I did a quick test fit fuselage / cowling ..... here are the forthcoming issues !!! note the gap ( on each side of course ) more than a gap , an abyss ... I guess that some " surgeries " will be needed ... question : does anybody has already built this version ? did you get such .....problem ? how did you fix this bad fit issue ?...merci !!! Alain
  6. which book do you recommend ? , I am not a " rivet compter " but I want to do my best to add some details here and there ...thanks I think that your rendition of the H 34 cockpit is different from the HU 5 version ..doesn't it? Alain
  7. Hi Harv Hope you feel better , and you will keep on your build . If you allow , I have a question about the "Adriatic models " cockpit : The "Fly " kit provides nice resin parts for the HU 5 cockpit , so I would like to know which improvements does the Adriatic parts bring in this area ?, especially on the rear bulkhead , I think that this bulkhead should be very busy in the real thing . if you can show me how it looks like , or maybe a photo of this area ( didn't find anythings for my part ) ....Oliver did an amazing job , but I think that things are different from the HU 5 version ....thanks a lot cheers Alain I took a look at the Adriatic models site , it seems that all the sets ( almost all ) are no more available
  8. maybe you already know this one https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.largescaleplanes.com%2Findex.php%3F%2Ftopic%2F88879-32nd-mirage-iiid2z-with-scaleworx-conversion-set%2F&psig=AOvVaw1k2een6ffqUYBCq0tcPDHi&ust=1652280552828000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCMjvh-6W1fcCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
  9. hi guys thank you for your comments the scaleworx conversion ,was a challenge for me , maybe a more skillful modeler will nail it more easily than me , I encountered fit issues with the forward fuselage / main fuselage junction , but the worst fit was with the engine intakes , but as you can see , even if you have to use putty , sand paper or file , there is always a way to get a "decent " result cheers Alain
  10. hi guys do you like the Mirage ???? I do !!!!! here is my last build . A conversion from " Scaleworx " , the base is the Revell / Italieri kit .... It wasn't a cool journey , I had to fill gaps , sand down , sometimes improvised , but despite the issues , I enjoyed building this kit .. I replaced the conversion seats , which are rather nice though , with the seats from " sparkit " .....any critics , and comments are welcome .. thanks !!!!!! cheers Alain 7 the "Sparkit "seats
  11. hi I like the Mirage in any version , so ,I like yours of course !!!!! great finish !!!!! I plan to build the Israeli CJ too, but in two shades of grey ... I can see that you used the " Sparkit" seat , a piece of art !!!!!! ......................very good job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alain
  12. hi almost done , still some stuff like gears , and the seats cheers
  13. Hi Gus thank you for your comment !! I know your Cheetah , that's a great build , I am usually not keen of this kind of paint scheme , but i have the Scaleworx Cheetah D , and you give me the idea for painting mine as you did here , it's very eyes catching scheme you were talking about John 's conversion , , you said that it needs perseverance etc .. , but it's worth it , I agree , I am currently on his Mirage III D conversion , a " hard way " , but I really enjoy this build my rendition Mirage III D
  14. thanks for the comments !!!!!! Scaleworx didn't make a conversion for this version , He made a conversion for the Cheetah E version , and the Cheetah D ...A friend of mine provided me the main parts , namely the nose cone ( part I had to reworked on because done for the old Revell kit ) , and the long fairing underneath .
  15. hi very beautiful Phantom , your patience , and determination paid off , you should be proud !! I wonder why no one among all the AF manufacturers have the idea of producing a conversion for this iconic Brit AC ( maybe the subject is too Brit ...... precisely 😕
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