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  1. FWIW, thanks to the French government’s new policy toward small businesses, BAM Models has closed up shop.
  2. I have done all of that multiple times. I’ve paid the required (ridiculous) tax and ‘fees’ and I have the proof the money came out of my bank account. CTT says “ask Customs”. I’ve emailed Customs three times on each package, including the tracking number, and I have yet to receive a single reply. I simply won’t buy anything from outside the EU any more in the future. It’s not worth it.
  3. Usually not long. Try Portugal. I’ve had a book from the UK sitting in Lisbon since October. All I get when I ask about it is a deer in the headlights look.
  4. Lusitanian


    Next time you may not be that lucky.
  5. Lusitanian


    It’s always a good idea. People die of influenza.
  6. Lusitanian


    It was stated that the 2024/25 flu vaccine would be less effective than normal because of some new strains that had popped up after the vaccine formulation had already been set and production started. Get used to that going forward. Microorganisms are starting to adapt faster than we can catch up with them, both viruses and bacteria.
  7. Besides being ridiculously huge (how big is your house?), and yet another "standard" scale (not sure what's wrong with 1/32 for aircraft), that 1/35 He111 looks silly. I wouldn't strap on an airplane that was that wrinkled with the intent to fly it. A museum piece that's 80+ years old might look like that, but not a newly built in-service airplane.
  8. Lusitanian


    Luckily I have not gotten it, but loads of people I know are sick as crap right now. I had a nasty sinus infection that hung on for about 3 weeks of technicolor goo coming out of my face.
  9. Pensacola, Florida has had more snow this winter than Anchorage, Alaska. Meantime, the storm that left snow on the Gulf Coast is now battering Ireland and Scotland with winds that are almost unprecedented as storm Éowyn. A friend in Glasgow said he’s never seen it that bad there earlier today. I saw an eastbound Emirates A380 yesterday evening that was showing a 766 knot ground speed. It’s almost as if the climate is undergoing some kind of a massive change or something.
  10. Somewhere someone told me he was about 6’7” tall
  11. All of the F4H-1/F-4Bs that the USAF borrowed from the Navy had the buzz numbers on the belly. By the time the first true F-4C was delivered in 1963, they had stopped using them.
  12. Sixty-three years ago tomorrow the first “F-110A” Phantom II was delivered to the USAF. Contrary to popular (and undying) belief, the F-110A was never called the Spectre. No USAF or McAir document I’ve ever seen called it that. When it left the paint shop a few days before the delivery photo was taken, it clearly said “PHANTOM II“ below “F-110A”. And it’s there in photos taken after that one. For reasons I’ve never been able to figure out, I’m 100% convinced that it’s been airbrushed off of the often published photo. Sixty-three years before this photo was taken, it was still the 19th Century!
  13. I agree, but where on earth are you going to get a new Kotare kit for only $100?
  14. Nope. This is a dedicated K-4, not a modular G/K kit. All K-4s had the same wing, so no need for inserts.
  15. It was announced about 9 months ago. There are sprue shots on Basefook. It seems to have big raised panels on the lower wing surfaces that leave me scratching my head, having looked at a good number of real Bf 109s and never seen anything like them.
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