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Everything posted by FullArmor

  1. Yes. We could do fiat build topic together👍 Molto bene!
  2. Small build which we started with my girlfriend. Let me know if you want new topic started with this kit.
  3. Glad you like it🙂. There is also doghouse II with even more added armor, but that looks plain weird
  4. Wow! Some small detail parts! I would need somekind of exoskeleton robot arms to achieve that 🦾
  5. Lots of stuff and PE 😵
  6. Thank you Rob! Yes lots of detail...i did chipping sparingly because with lots of added details it would have been too much. You are right about contrast. I wanted to add more color to this build using stowage.
  7. Quite nice to build👍. Detailed and lots of PE parts included. Track sprockets were too narrow. Tires were brittle and easy to brake. 🙁 In hindsight i should have glued antennas last...managed to broke one off and also one machinegun 😬. Tracks has to be glued piece by piece.
  8. These chains took 3 days to attach😤. Had to open and close link 32 times...not fun...
  9. Not as bad as this...make 16 separate pieces of small chain
  10. Lots of parts to paint and detail!
  11. Some minor updates with this build. Also started to weathering tracks...but they remain 80% hidden when finished so I don't bother to do much. Tires are extremely brittle and hard. If you use extra thin cement you will brake them. Mine are only friction fit in place.
  12. Next level stuff! Looks like real deal...but fingerprint on panel reveals scale...
  13. Hilarious and frustrating. I had also one package that was left in "infite loop". Luckily it is rare nowadays.
  14. Please share more info when tested. And detailed pictures also. I am interested about this product.👍
  15. Please can someone explain how this Dspiae hand stabilizer works? Is this friction or magnet...
  16. Interesting. Is this H-engine shape configutation?🧐
  17. That tank repair shop is stunning. I can smell grease and oil. clearly lot of thought have but into this
  18. Nice looking kit. Decent looking turret texture and weld seams. "mostly due to problems with my vision">>me too. What are those magnifying glasses what you are wearing? What brand? Please share picture.
  19. Interesting to see much same stuff as my Nagmachon build. It uses same hull?
  20. Nice and detailed builds. Welcome👍
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