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Everything posted by olfogey

  1. Will keep them in mind.............Thank you. I don't do "EvilBay" for my own reasons.............
  2. Thanks.........it looks as if "Scale Hobbyist" does in fact have a good stock of kits, but they don't have that particular one Greatly appreciate the link anyway..........always good to have sources.
  3. I am seeking a model of the " Trumpeter 1/24 Hawker Hurricane Mk.I ", and would like to know where I might stand a chance of finding one?? ( I have tried "Sprue Bros." & "Squadron" and those are the only two I know ).
  4. I am looking for the best, (in terms of quality, price and service), place to get aftermarket detail parts etc. for my "Airfix" & "Trumpy" 1:24 WW2 airplane kits in the U.S. - (I am also not opposed to the U.K., as I know there is a lot there, but shipping sometimes makes that prohibitive).
  5. After going through converting a shop compressor - (about $75 w/ all "doodads"), I ended up with one that worked fine but TOO noisy for my preference. I then spent $100 on one of the little Home Depot portables, which was OK, but still noisy................I then did something I had thought about for a year or two, but never worked up the nerve to try - I went to my local fire extinguisher servicer, and inquired about a CO2 tank and regulator. BEST MOVE I EVER MADE!!! - completely silent, a medium tank will last about a year, even with heavy use, and no need for water filters, as it's completely dry. These can also be had from soft drink vendors........CO2 is what powers the soft drink cup servers you see everywhere.
  6. Due to my age & abilities, I prefer 1:24.............wish I could find a few other fellow fans.
  7. I can relate.............I went from Nebraska to Texas temporarily a few years back - (worst move of my life). My son & I used to fish on the boat is T shirts while the "natives" were in parkas. LOL
  8. This is a GREAT reference site for using "Future"...........You may know of it already, but if not...............http://www.swannysmodels.com/TheCompleteFuture.html Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  9. Ended up with the "Optivisor"............"Thanks" to all who shared personal experience & advice. It was appreciated .................
  10. Best of luck...........you know I'll be pullin' for you Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  11. Did FINALLY get hold of three of the AirFix "QuickBuild" kits for him today at the local hobby shop, and he LOVES THEM!! Built one in about half an hour & loved every minute...............Thanks Guys :)
  12. Paul- Thanks for the encouragement..........sounds like our situations are very similar. I too "feared" the "WnW" kit after I opened it. (lol) I'm going to give the "Optivisor" a shot...........never used one before, but I figure it sure couldn't hurt at this point. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  13. Thanks for the tips guys! I'm leaning toward the "Optivisor"...........part of me is tempted to go the cheaper route due to fixed income & never having had one before, but I think the extra $$$ spent would be worth it in the long run. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  14. I am considering purchase of a head-band magnifier ( hands free ), to assist me with my eye-sight issues, and so that I can possibly keep my "WnW" builds active, instead of having to give them up............ I'm curious how many here use these, and what kind?? I'd like to hear your advice.........( I'm 62, life-long bifocal glasses wearer & this will be a "first for me"). Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  15. Eyesight is only part of the issue, but the magnifier has been a part of my life now for some years (lol). The other part of the issue is motor skill related, caused by arthritis & ?? who knows what else. I find I can deal with the larger scale armor kits OK (1/16 & 1/25), but stupidly, I mis-judged the size of the "WnW" 1/32 kits from pictures. "In hand", the parts are far too small for me..................... I would have interest in 1/24 "WWII" "Trumpeter" kits, new & unopened, I would trade "one for one", with maybe a bit extra on my end, depending. I have also looked at the "Hasegawa Models" # HAS 31 -- 1/16 scale -- "Sopwith Camel" ( I would trade BOTH "WnW" kits, and a bit extra, for this one un-opened ). I am re-entering modeling after 50+ years as a bit of self-imposed therapy..........it does me NO GOOD to appeal to the useless "VA" for assistence. THE ONLY way this is going to work for me is larger parts. I want toi build no newer than WWII & thought the Biplanes would be neat, as my Dad always wanted me to build him one, but alas, I just can't do it to a decent standard. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  16. This might be something I would have interest in............. I have the "WnW" Fokker D. VII (F), and the "WnW" Pfalz D.IIIa. -- Both are sealed. (Instruction books opened, but nothing else). The "WnW" Fokker D. VII (F) has extra "Pheon" decal sheet, and "HGW" fabric seat belts. I would have interest in 1/24 "WWII" "Trumpeter" kits, new & unopened, I would trade "one for one", with maybe a bit extra on my end, depending. I have also looked at the "Hasegawa Models" # HAS 31 -- 1/16 scale -- "Sopwith Camel" ( I would trade BOTH "WnW" kits, and a bit extra, for this one un-opened ). I am re-entering modeling after 50+ years as a bit of self-imposed therapy..........it does me NO GOOD to appeal to the useless "VA" for assistence. THE ONLY way this is going to work for me is larger parts. I want toi build no newer than WWII & thought the Biplanes would be neat, as my Dad always wanted me to build him one, but alas, I just can't do it to a decent standard. Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  17. .............my " Large Scale " armor modeling is going along OK. What IS NOT working out too well is the "WnW" Biplane kits I mis-understood the scale and am now probably stuck with two kits as Christmas gifts that I can't build I have had many give me advice to "just dive in", etc. but I know myself, and my eyes and fingers are NOT up to this task. I am looking into "Airfix" 1/24 scale WWII aircraft, because that seems to be the largest available...............here's where I need the advice -- ( and please, be honest ). Can these be handled by someone my age (62) with eyesight issues and the other infirmaties that come with age?? Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  18. Nice review............Thank You Jim j. -- "olfogey"
  19. GREAT tutorial.................much needed info for a "new" "Wingnut" (lol) Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  20. Couldn't BEGIN to do that!! - but I sure admire those that can..........GREAT job Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  21. DOH!!!.............I was clear through "hints & tips" here AND on the "WnW" site, and didn't find either of those!!! I really must be getting senile (lol) :huh: :wacko: Thanks for the tips guys, glad I found this!! Tried it a bit last night and it worked pretty good, at least at my skill level it will do what I want it to. Jim J. -- "olfogey" P.S. -- I apologize guys (especially "Dave J.") I went back and read the tutorial, and I must have read it at some point, because I posted a tip at the end about "makeup sponges". Sometimes, "the elevator doesn't go all the way to the top" due to age & other factors.................I appreciate the tips and your patience Jim J.
  22. "Thank You"............that's EXACTLY what I was after Jim J. -- "olfogey"
  23. I No offense meant but, I'm disabled, on a fixed income, and not really looking to "spend"............I'm looking for modeling tips.
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