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Everything posted by NOVAModeler

  1. Recently finished one of these - really a fun build and wouldn't mind getting my hands on the Bf110 as well. Primed with Tamiya spray can primer and mixed up some Tamiya Dark Gray/Black to simulate RLM66, not sure how close it is but it looks like the real thing. Flat Coat for all painted parts was Microscale Flat Coat. I can't get photobucket to work, so sorry about the links...
  2. I like! Thanks. Sorry I'm sleep deprived and can't come up with good ideas
  3. Thanks, I thought about that but the green should be less bright and intense. It needs to be more of a hint of dirty green.
  4. I am trying to get a clear part tinted dark green and don't know what would work best. Does anyone have an idea? Part of it needs to stay flat black or be painted flat black afterwards but then the tinted area needs to withstand masking.
  5. Exactly, but this Spit looks pretty used yet it shines in that Italian sun.
  6. Looking great for a rescue project! Something I've always wondered about - most of us all finish our WWII camo finishes with a dead-flat finish but looking at these WWII photos it is clear that the planes actually had some degree of shine - check out the cowling and wing root areas on this photo.
  7. Dave, that's a great question. 30 kits to choose from in my stash. I haven't got the faintest idea yet.
  8. Thanks Nick. It's tricky and takes practice but Future has really nice self-leveling capabilities. I use a 2cm wide chisel-shaped brush and try to minimize going over the same spot more than once. It gets sticky fast! Also, runs happen really easily so thin coats are key. I generally brush two to three coats, depending on the amount of gloss needed. The tires are the kit tires. I test fitted the wheels on the struts, planning to use resin but then couldn't get the wheels off again! So I was forced to stick with the kit tires.
  9. Thanks guys, and thanks Rick for posting. More pics of mine can be seen here
  10. After five months, this joy of a kit is finally done. It's by far the best kit I've ever built and I loved ever step of the way, except maybe a few of the decals....should have used aftermarket Sprayed priming coat of Tamiya X-18, then Citadel Mithril Silver and Chainmail. Brush coated the entire model with Future and then dirtied it up with first Flory Dark Dirt wash and then an oil paint wash. Kit manufacture: Tamiya Scale: 1/32 Type: P-51D Extras used: Barracuda cockpit markings Paints and colours used: Tamiya Acrylics, Citadel Metallics (Mithril Silver, Chainmail and Boltgun Metal), Future (Brushed)
  11. Why did it change? I've never had an issue with Photobucket.
  12. I am getting the following message when inserting 5 Photobucket (800 pixel wide jpg) images in a forum post: "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community." What does this mean? I never saw this before.
  13. When I was 15, my models never looked like this! Stunning work Simon. Looking forward to your next model.
  14. Looking forward to seeing this Wednesday night. How far is the other one?
  15. So since my Aztek gloss is still to be shipped, and I have not patience, I brushed Future on the P-51 I'm working on and it worked very well. It's tricky, but doable. I highly recommend it.
  16. I like that. Where did you find it? Spruebros don't carry it. Edit: Never mind - found it at Tower
  17. Is that a lacquer-based finish?
  18. Thanks guys. Clear it is then. I am thinking of doing Future with wide flat brush. I did that on my P-47 and it worked well. It's tricky though.... I hate airbrushing clear!
  19. Is it imperative to do a gloss coat over decals and NMF finish? I have finished decaling my 1:32 P-51 and now I need to either jump right into a wash and other weathering or do a gloss coat first. I'm just afraid I'm not happy with the gloss coat. I am very happy with the way the NMF turned out but am afraid the smaller decals come loose during the wash. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  20. Hi guys, I am at the stage of decaling Tamiya's 1:32 P-51D "Blondie", with the red nose and am wondering - does anyone know whether the red noses were painted over an stencils? Were the stencils re-applied? Any help or actual photos will be greatly appreciated! Thanks Vivian
  21. And there was more - Corsair flew, two more B-25's flew, C46 and C-47 flew. Great experience.
  22. I attended the annual Mid-Atlantic Air Museum's WWII Weekend again this year and saw some neat stuff:
  23. How much can you spend? I think the absolute best camera for your money right now is a Canon EOS 60D. Don't get the kit with lens though. Buy a good lens to go with it. You can even get a used one to stretch your dollar. I got the EF-S 17-55 f/2.8. Stunning lens but pricey. For the best image quality get the best lens you can afford. Consider a prime (ie. non-zoom lens) since zooming is not necessary for model photography. A 35mm is perfect for this type of camera. The other option is the Canon Rebel Series, or as they're called overseas, xxxD (e.g. 550D). Again, don't get one with a kit lens. Buy a better lens separately. Then, shoot only in RAW mode, and select aperture priority mode (Av) choosing f/20 or f/22, so the whole model is in focus. Set ISO to 100 to minimize noise. Get light sources from several angles and a nice smooth solid background that curves from horizontal to vertical. Never flash. Hope that helps!
  24. Blondie - I didn't want to add to the cost of the kit even more and I like it
  25. Anti-glare done, some panels a different shade (but studying the real Blondie, not much variation in metal, so I kept it simple) and the red nose done (forgot to add spinner and rudder in picture).
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