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Everything posted by NOVAModeler

  1. Living 13 miles outside Washington DC, and being alone with my toddler daughter this weekend, we went the Air and Space Museum and saw Buzz Aldrin signing his new book for folks. I only had my phone with me so apologies for the quality of the pics at the museum. Then, today, we went to Manassas airport and saw the CAF's B-29 Fifi, a P-51D that actually flew in WWII, the CAF's Helldiver and more. Here are some pics.
  2. It sure is I can teach you if you want to learn!
  3. I finally made a bit of progress on this P-51. Primed the entire thing with Tamiya X-18/X-1 mix, followed by Citadel Mithril Silver (which now has a new name which I don't remember). At this rate I should finish by Christmas! Next up is panel variation, then on to decals and wash.
  4. Thanks for everyone's responses. This brings me to the next related question - what do you do to clean your airbrush if you don't use paper towel? I usually wash out my paint cup with isopropyl alcohol and an old brush if I use Tamiya paints and then I pour out the alcohol onto paper towel and wash it a few times like this, then spray with more rubbing alcohol into paper towel until I'm satisfied it's clean. In the process I go through two or three sheets of paper towel (the blue kind). That's another reason there's a paper towel presence in my spraybooth. I'm now thinking it is all a big mistake
  5. Hi all, I am having occasional issues with tiny fibers ending up in paint work, especially visible in NMF. I think the culprit is my use of paper towel as a general work surface and cleaning aid around the spray booth. Does anyone else use paper towel in their spray booth, and if so, have you found a good brand that doesn't lead to pieces of paper fibers? (Try tearing a sheet off the roll right in front of a bright light source, and notice the clouds of paper fibers). Looking forward to hearing some feedback on this one.
  6. Holy crap Rick - I haven't had my modeling and forum hats on for a while and am astonished to see the great progress you've been making. And very impressive work! I'm going to try and get some work done on my stalled Stang soon.
  7. A little too far (4 hrs or so driving). Too bad.
  8. Haha, I didn't pay attention to when it's released. Not the size models I go for P-51 not nearly done. Barely touched it the past two weeks.
  9. Crazy model Rick! Would you bring it Wednesday to the meeting if you go?
  10. Wow, this thing is really coming together now. Great work!
  11. Making great progress Rick! Hope those cowl seams stay smooth. Can't wait to see these side by side (or nose to nose?) at a club meeting.
  12. I went to Richmond VA in February for the Old Dominion Open Show and snapped some pics with my phone (sorry about quality): Greek Markings 1:32: 1:16 scale M16 halftrack: Eduard Royal Class Bf109E kit (Floyd Werner?) Eduard Mirage III: Tamiya 1:32 Mustang:
  13. Doesn't anyone else see the new tool 1:48 Airfix products as great models in terms of price, fit and overall quality? I'm a big fan of those, for their great price and overall quality.
  14. Wow, you've been busy - looking great! Will be following these with great interest. Too bad one can't get Tamiya's 1:48 Jugs' quality in these kits. No fit issues in those.
  15. Airfix's new BF109E or Spitfire Mk XII or Seafire in 1:48. All less than $25 in the US, great bang for the buck.
  16. Wow, lovely G14 and photography! What did you do for the backdrop of the photo?
  17. Rick: Starboard stabiliser - read OP.
  18. Thanks Thomas. Photography is just a serious hobby (I have many hobbies!). I have a good SLR and some seriously good lenses. The lighting for these were simply daylight through multiple windows. No electric light/flash whatsoever.
  19. Thanks Dave! I'm just doing the Blondie scheme.
  20. Here are my progress photos of where I am on this massive build. I had posted some progress on the original SPAR Forum, so here it is again, incl. today's pics. In case anyone wonders why I've painted one stabiliser black - I wanted to prime them with black, and then paint with the metallics before attaching to fuselage but then after doing one, decided not to go that route. Cockpit was livened up with the excellent Barracuda decal set. (Thanks again Rick!) The fit on this thing is superb. Even better than I had expected! I plan to prime with a semi-gloss black and then use Citadels for the metallic parts. All the paint you see on it is water-based (meaning Tamiya Acrylics and Citadel). I debated whether to putty the wings as I did on the 1:48 kit but decided screw it - life is too short! Thanks for looking.
  21. I know, I've edited my post - I put the flaps on first....
  22. Looking great so far!
  23. Hi guys, I have been making good progress with my Tamiya 1:32 P-51 but now I'm stuck - the ailerons won't go into position. The larger of the two little metal pins that need to stick into the wing simply will not go in. It hits something. Has anyone else had this issue? EDIT: Read the instructions ....... First ailerons THEN flaps. I got them in with some wiggling though. Phew!
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