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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Brass tube Turnbuckles


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There are now excellent turnbuckles in the aftermarket area to buy.
Well, about four years ago, that was not like that.

I had even come up with something myself.

I tried turnbuckles through some wood glue present on the rigging wire................ you can, but that does not work convincingly in scale 1/32.

I tried it with hot drawn Q- tips .............. this also works - but each of my Q-tips turnbuckle varied in length and diameter.
Eventually I found a built-lock in another known WW1 forum.
There I found the solution to my problem.

Brass tube - this model builder used 0.5 mm thick brass tubes - awesome!
Looking for this 0.5mm brass tube I found it even thinner .
0.4 mm!!
0.4 mm x 32 mm arise 12.8mm in real life. It fits!
These 0,4mm brass tubes are cut to a length of 2.5 mm.
2,5 mm x 32 arise 80mm in real life. This fits also well.






Through the brass tube is pushed a eyelet with a longer end and glued with cyano.

The eyelet was made from 0,10mm silvered copper wire.






This Turnbuckles I use for control cables as well as for the normal rigging of the wings .









...................and the real thing:






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Many thanks to all for your kind words.


I have not yet built the Fokker D.VII and the Hannover, Steve.


This is a self made cutting board. This material is GRP (also known as GFK or FR4) and milled from the CNC.

This material is extremely hard, PC boards are made ​​of the same material.

With a hobby knife or similar cutting tool, it can not be damaged.

On this cutting plate, some lines are milled to insert plastic rods or brass tubes.

Small pins serve as a stop.
It works quite well.




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  • 4 weeks later...


Really nice jig!

I think I may need to give a try at making one myself. Do you find the set lengths do what you need, or are you sometimes looking to make lengths in between the fixed points?

oh and thanks so much for the fantastic tips you have been posting. the are as inspiring as they are informative.



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  • 1 month later...


I have recently milled 12 cutting boards.
If you - or anyone else - one would like, then please contact me via PM.


@Erik B.

I used this stuff, (klick on the link below)




ore take a look in this post:






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