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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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So after my Tornado the next on the table.

Im redding a book at the moment and that got me realy in for this build.

Plan will be a Vietnam dio.

The kit is the trumpeter 


A few books.


A lot off after market.


Also a verry big thanks to @biggtimfor the great help about the revetment walls.

He sent me the file so i can print them at home.

So first batch donestill on the build plate.


A bit off process before we can build.



Very impressie with the detail

So i have to bild a part just to look how big it is.



With a big jar tamiya paint.


I sill need more walls to print but you well get the picture.


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How hard can you go with after market.

I also have a pit from Aires.

So why dondt try to fit the quinta set on the Aires pit.

With a bit off trimmen



Now much better floor and other details than the pit from the box.



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Looks good so far Mark !

I am pulling together the pieces for a Trumpy F-105 myself, but it will be an F-105F with Cutting Edge decals.

ResKit has some great looking pieces such as pylons and weapons, replacement tail fin and other stuff.

Now, they are doing an "all in one" upgrade which includes the intakes, main wheel bays, nose gear bay, and landing gear.

So, I will wait for that before getting started.

Watching you build closely !


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9 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Looking mighty good and so glad you tailored the Quinta cockpit set onto the Aires set.



Thabks Peter doing my best its slow work fitting 10 times only one cut

4 hours ago, scott_t said:

Looks good so far Mark !

I am pulling together the pieces for a Trumpy F-105 myself, but it will be an F-105F with Cutting Edge decals.

ResKit has some great looking pieces such as pylons and weapons, replacement tail fin and other stuff.

Now, they are doing an "all in one" upgrade which includes the intakes, main wheel bays, nose gear bay, and landing gear.

So, I will wait for that before getting started.

Watching you build closely !


Yes i have seen that post from reskit to but im going to pass on the intakes.

I hope the canopy will be release before i finish this one.


Looking forward to your F conversion



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I like what you are doing with the cockpit Mark. I am going to go a similar route with my F-model build.

The F-model looks very similar to the D in the front cockpit and the rear looks close to a D model.

I just ordered an Aires G pit and 2 D-model Quinta sets. It will be fun to bash them together.

Happy Modeling !!!!


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a few hours off fun with the pit still not done







now thats it.

Any one a idee about color for the wheelbays?

Instructions cal out for zinc chromate green.

but i have found pics where the are light grey white and some are silver .


Thanks Mark

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for good news and bad news 

Good news

Feuselage closed without problems.

And tail Fin on .


Bad news.

The rudder is to small on the bottom i have a big gap


so i gave sent a email to reskit with the pic so i hope its just a bad part and the can send me a replacement. 

this is the real one.


So now i wait but still other things to do on the thud 




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  • 2 weeks later...

So reskit is sending a replacment part so no preblem there.

New color on the F-105 when cleaning up




first wheelbay in place after a lot off sanding on the aires part


Going for the next wing.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Time to do some work on the agm-78

These are from reskit.








And pylons


thats it 

reskit didt a awsome job.




Edited by mark31
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Nice work on the AGM-78 and pylon. I find it amazing how you work with such delicate parts - I just managed to ruin my 3D printed ejection seat rails and learned a very valuable lesson on how to treat parts so extra carefully.


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